A TikTok-style platform for gamified workplace learning
CategoriesSustainable News

Spotted: Employee training is essential, not only for ensuring that companies have the right skills to thrive, but also for keeping employees satisfied and engaged. In fact, according to Deloitte, organisations with a strong learning culture have 30-50 per cent higher engagement and retention rates. 

But corporate training courses are too often delivered in a dry manner, which limits their effectiveness. Now, startup 5Mins claims to have found a way to boost course completion rates from 5-20 per cent, which it claims are typical today, to 85 per cent. Its secret: video micro-lessons delivered in bite-sized increments.  

The platform, which bills itself as ‘the TikTok of workplace learning,’ uses artificial intelligence (AI) to create personalised daily learning recommendations for each employee. These match employees to the skills their roles demand based on their specific needs and interactions. The platform then delivers lessons from its library of more than 15,000 options. These are delivered through a scrollable social-media-style feed.

Video source 5Mins

In addition to its focus on personalisation and wide selection of content, the platform offers a variety of gamification options aimed at making learning fun and keeping employees engaged. There are also options to purchase long-form courses from favourite instructors. And subtitles in more than 20 languages ensure that training is accessible across an organisation’s different operations.  

Techniques rooted in scientific research, such as spaced repetition, chunking, and active recall, are key to the stickiness of the company’s content and integrations with calendar notifications and email nudges help employees develop a learning habit.

Springwise has spotted other innovative training platforms in the archive, including one for budding venture capitalists and another that uses holograms to train doctors.

Written By: Lisa Magloff


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