Act Now: List or Update Your Home in the Inventory of Zero Homes
CategoriesSustainable News Zero Energy Homes
Act Now: List or Update Your Home in the Inventory of Zero Homes

Did you know that as of the end of 2020, there were more than 17,000 zero energy housing units in North America? That’s a 26% increase over the previous year. Many more are in the pipeline for 2021. Other interesting facts: 75% of zero energy residences in North America are multifamily, and London, Ontario, Canada has more zero energy residences than any city in North America. This is the kind of information you can access from Team Zero’s Inventory of Zero Energy Homes

The Inventory of Zero Energy Homes provides a crucial metric to demonstrate the growth and viability of the zero energy movement. If you have designed, built, or purchased a zero energy home, be sure it is listed in the Inventory.  Because there are now new inventory data fields where you can provide more useful information on your home, if you already listed a home, please update your listing. You can add or update your listing here.

But act fast. Team Zero, EEBA, and the Zero Energy Project encourage builders, designers, and homeowners to submit new zero energy homes and update previously listed ones soon — so they’ll appear in the 2021 Inventory of Zero Homes report. 

The Inventory covers many categories: homes currently under construction, those in the design phase, and completed homes — whether they’re zero energy, positive energy/net producer homes, zero energy ready or passive homes. The 2021 Zero Home Inventory report will help build momentum for zero homes. Stand up and be counted by listing or updating your zero home in the Inventory now!



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