Heat-emitting 'wallpaper' keeps fuel costs down and cuts emissions
CategoriesSustainable News

Spotted: Rather than huddle around a single point of heat waiting for the entire room to warm up, people can now bask in full room heating supplied by ceiling, wall, and floor panels. Made by startup NexGen, a thin film of graphene uses far infrared rays and convection to project heat. The process distributes warmth evenly throughout a space, thereby using less energy to reach the desired temperature in less time.

The rising costs of living are affecting everyone, with particularly dire effects on those with fixed incomes. The Welsh Government is trialling the graphene heat system in a number of social housing buildings to help reduce the high cost of fuel. Capable of being installed under materials such as plaster, carpet, and vinyl, the graphene films help residents better manage their heat use. For some, heating their entire living space all day is unnecessary, so a room-by-room set-up helps to more efficiently manage expenses by using only what is needed.

Installation requires a few days of work, and the system plugs into traditional electrical sockets. Solar panels and a smart battery further increase the sustainability and affordability of the system. And far infrared rays have also proven beneficial to general health.

Springwise is spotting a number of innovations seeking to make more efficient use of available heat sources, with geothermal panels in underground car parks heating the building above and disused coal mines being used to create regional heat networks.  

Written by: Keely Khoury

Email: info@nexgenheating.com

Website: nexgenheating.com


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