Natural rubber made from dandelions
CategoriesSustainable News

Natural rubber made from dandelions

Spotted: More than 99 per cent of the world’s natural rubber is made from latex derived from rubber trees – almost all of which grow in southeast Asia. The tyre industry uses around 70 per cent of this rubber – and demand is growing all the time, raising several issues related to sustainability, governance, social, and economic practices. One major purchaser of natural rubber is The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. Goodyear has previously committed to sourcing the rubber sustainably, and now the company is partnering with the US Department of Defense (DoD), BioMADE, the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL), and Farmed Materials to develop a domestic source of natural rubber.

The programme will focus on developing Taraxacum kok-saghyz—a species of dandelion also known as TK—as an alternative to natural rubber trees. Farmed Materials, which develops agriculturally derived and sustainable high-performance polymers, has shown good results from pilot programmes using TK. Now, with funding from the DoD, Farmed Materials will speed up development of TK-based rubber – beginning with the planting and harvesting of TK seeds in Ohio.

While it takes rubber trees around seven years of growth before the latex can be harvested, the TK dandelions can be harvested every six months. They can also be grown in a more temperate climate than rubber trees. The natural rubber produced from the programme will be used to produce military aircraft tyres. These will then undergo rigorous testing by the AFRL to ensure they are fit for use.

“This partnership highlights how BioMADE brings together companies of different sizes to solve critical problems,” said Melanie Tomczak, Chief Technology Officer at BioMADE. “We’re excited about this project, which holds a lot of promise for domestic rubber production and shows how bioindustrial manufacturing can help secure the domestic supply chain.”

Goodyear are not the only company working on a more sustainable alternative to traditional tyres. Last year, we covered a tyre made by Continental using a TK-based rubber, along with silicate from the ash of rice husks, and vegetable oils and resins. Previously, we took a look at a concept tyre that uses a liquid tread to repair itself and a recyclable rubber. 

Written By: Lisa Magloff





One Rendering Challenge 2022: The Finalists (Part 4)

Explore a further 25 extraordinary architectural visualizations, each one a Finalist in the 3rd Annual One Rendering Challenge. Let us know which are your favorites on Instagram and Twitter with the hashtag #OneRenderingChallenge!

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“All that is left” by Stavros Sgouros

“What can we do? What can we create that will last and assist future life?

Imagine a scenario when we have not survived. When the only left memory of our world are these species that do not touch it, that is set free in our skies and overlook our shadows.

This is a manmade structure. A vague memory of our last endeavors to save what will survive. A new home for the flying nomads of the new world. It could be located near a lagoon or a swamp. It could be frozen in time and forgotten. But they will find it. They will inhabit it.

“But a bird that stalks down his narrow cage can seldom see through his bars of rage”. Now we are gone and the bird is free.”

Software used: V-Ray, SketchUp, Photoshop

“Mitoshi Church” by hamed kamalzadehSeyed mohammad razavizadeh

“Mitoshi Church is located on the hills of Mount Agora, close to the Sagano bamboo forest. In Japanese, Mitoshi means outlook. An Outlook over the Agora heights. The structure is comprised of two local materials, bamboo and rope. Because of this, it is considered a live member of nature in Agora forests.

The design consists of 7 rows of bamboo with equal distances which along with the two-layer walls and ceiling, allow direct sunlight to be refracted and create moderate natural light inside the space. The visitors enter through a low-rise entrance, and as they move in the space, the ceiling height and natural light increase, and when the viewers reach the far third of the church, they find themselves facing the cross with the Agora Mountains behind it. Mitoshi Church is a prospect that compels man to meditate on himself and the universe around him in a spiritual atmosphere.”

Software used: Rhino, Lumion, Photoshop

“No Man’s Land” by Veronica Blas

“2050. After years of violent conflicts and natural cataclysms, the Earth is in short supply. The population has abandoned the destroyed cities and has returned to being nomads and to wander the Earth in communities. In this image, one of these communities is moving. A post-apocalyptic walking city inspired by the work of Archigram, but that also looks at literature, as the book “Mortal Engines”, and cinematography with “Mad Max”.

The advanced technologies for space research have lost their initial use and are now used to survive on Earth. The launch-pad is used as a base for buildings that have fallen into disrepair. Humanity has adapted to this new condition and a new way of living has evolved.”

Software used: 3ds Max, Corona Renderer, Photoshop

“Würstelstand” by Mihai Pop

“The project called “Welcome all Aliens” is inspired by the 2015 migration crisis in Europe.

I chose not to show the migrants directly, but to suggest their presence through something else, through a character. This is when I remembered an old sketch I made, an over-optimistic, extra small, self-sufficient, prefabricated shelter together with a similar sized greenhouse, where one could grow food. They were small, quirky, and could fit in any urban context … so I thought…

Migrants + minimal prefab shelters + being managed by birocratic European institutions = a horrible idea!!! Great! I could do something with that. ?


Where would these shelters be placed around the city? Where would they fit? Maybe just randomly on the street… maybe replacing a news stand, or a Würstelstand, the one on your neighborhood street corner, anywhere theoretically, they don’t take up a lot of space.
They are not big.”

Software used: Cinema 4D, Photoshop, Other

“Longboarding in Lesotho” by Peter Crotty

“The days are spent longboarding down the steep mountain roads of Lesotho. All that can be heard is the rushing of the wind and the sound of skates over the tarred road. For them, it’s a moving meditation of pure muscle memory and physical freedom. After the sun sets, they return to their dwellings. A simple but beautiful stone wall home. The timber roofs create a warm acoustic quality for them to listen to their music and to sit back and relax. They are winding down and settling in for the night as the sun sets on the Lesotho hills. It’s a simple life… But it is so fulfilling.”

Software used: V-Ray, 3ds Max, Photoshop

“Radiant Flow” by Igor Neminov, Artem Zigert and Igor Neminov

“Entrada is in the heart of what is commonly referred to as “Silicon Beach”. This influx of influential companies is no surprise as Southern California boasts a lifestyle that can’t be duplicated anywhere else in the country. This image attempts to capture the mood and atmosphere which is very sacred to the evening time dwellers of the area.

It’s common for this region to be veiled by a thick marine layer, engulfing the streets and buildings in serene glows of lights produced by the fog, evoking an indescribable feeling, allowing one to feel the colors and light on a whole different scale. The creeping of the fog and the heavy traffic on the streets during the cold winter days not only slows time but has the power to suspend one’s whole reality. It’s phenomenological!”

Software used: 3ds Max, Corona Renderer, Photoshop

“Art Oculus” by Manuel Ramirez Kalionchiz

“Art Oculus is an NFT gallery created for the bold creatives in the crypto space. It holds pieces from several artists, both from the physical and the metaworld. All art pieces are carefully curated by our creative team and selected upon the requisite of building for a purpose much greater than themselves.

This collective mission is represented by our main display, Escaping Your Art by Kaliguro, which aims to portray the transition of the artist out of their own creative pieces to fulfill a greater mission. The project merges modern day technology with the traditional coexistence of an artists that exposed themselves to their viewers on a personal level, always to speak a little more about the inspiration behind the art piece we can see.

Experience the space by yourself:”

Software used: Lumion

“Los Angeles World Airport Studios” by Maggie PanFernando Such Riccardo Pistore Matteo Venanzio Fernando Gómez Laura del Barrio

“Kilograph worked with some of the best in class architects – Gensler, SOM, and RIOS – to bring the design for new LA sound stages to life and show the magic of movies at the same time. Complete with futuristic and wildly imaginative elements of science fiction and technology, the architecture here was to be secondary to the invisible activity within. Given the landscape, there was no way our team would miss out on the chance to work up a sci-fi theme with giant robots.

With those hero characters established, we wanted to include a level of human storytelling to the scene. This was brought about through depicting various stagehands working, actors reading their lines, and even a primadonna starlet refusing to come out of her trailer. The coloured lighting was designed to draw the viewer into the image and lead them to notice the smaller details of the shot.”

Software used: V-Ray, 3ds Max, Revit, Photoshop, Other

“A New Path” by Wellington Franzao

“Often we are guided by rules, but sometimes when we focus and go deep we perhaps find new paths. It may create so doubts, it’s risky, but the the unexpected result it can be gold. The image portrays a SUV speeding into the snow opening a new path to the MED center.”

Software used: 3ds Max, Corona Renderer, Photoshop

“The Sake House Museum” by Wellington Franzao and Henrique Driessen

“In all countries, paddies are worked by family labor alone and by the same methods that were used 2,000 years ago. We brought the tradition and honored it with a contemporary museum that represents all the families that spend their lives in the fields.”

Software used: 3ds Max, Corona Renderer, Photoshop

“Big Mac in Snow” by Quin Wu

“When walking in the cold snow, one craves nothing more than a hot and juicy burger. To help customer navigate in the stormy days, McDonald has built its flagship store in Siberia with a huge landmark logo. Somehow in this way the American symbolic consumerism brand adapts to Soviet Union’s brutalism style. It is hard to tell who converted who.”

Software used: Blender, Photoshop

“Surrounded” by Giovanni Croce

“The Crystal Palace in London, at an undefined time. The former glory of the World’s Fair or a dystopian future? Light breaks the scene and guides the eye through the vegetation and out of the architecture. The character represents each and every one of us, a human being in search for a place in the world. It is up to the observer to imagine what might lie outside, salvation or perdition?”

Software used: V-Ray, 3ds Max, Photoshop

“The World Without Us” by tom tamayo

“What will happened if humans stopped existing? What will happen to our planet, to our cities, to our industries and to nature if humans disappeared? I think we all know the answers. Nature will always prevail. Earth heals herself and nurtures renewed life forms, no matter the calamity caused by humans.”

Software used: 3ds Max, Corona Renderer

“Nature Is a Mirror in Which We Can Study Ourselves” by Tom Tamayo

“A structure located in the forest, invisible as possible and always lets the landscape speak at its maximum,
blending in the surrounding forest, merging into the landscape, and to be almost invisible in the deciduous forest,
allowing people to feel as close to nature as possible.”

Software used: 3ds Max, Corona Renderer, Photoshop

“At What Cost?” by Alberto Biasio

“In portraying new flamboyant buildings we usually choose a particular standpoint, trying to twist the reality.

Magnificent cathedrals have been built on the desert, defended from critics by slogans like architecture for architecture’s sake. (Usually a way to utilize the word architecture instead of money).

We should bear in mind that people, along with their wellbeing, are what makes architecture great. I’ve tried to turn subjects and moments around: the extraordinary architecture has been placed in the background and substituted by the ordinary, depicted in its – maybe – worst instant.”

Software used: 3ds Max, Corona Renderer, Photoshop

“Nature, We are One” by Kunal Bhoge and Swapnil Upare

“We created a reality when humans and nature live in union. Without the illusion of separation, we are in fact One. Humans live interwoven with natural surroundings, structures built around the living trees, connected with bridges, working within the environment rather than at its expense. In this place, human action is rooted in a responsible, sustainable existence, each person holding themselves accountable for their own actions. Without waste, without the unnecessary, this is pure, minimalist living. This is not architecture alone, but a way of life.”

Software used: 3ds Max, Corona Renderer

“Velvet Breeze” by Igor Neminov, Artem Zigert and Igor Neminov

“The inspiration for the image is to capture the synergy of existing and new architecture. To give the image a unique quality portraying an exploration of light and tones while capturing the ambiance and atmosphere of the journey.”

Software used: 3ds Max, Corona Renderer

“Crack of Dawn” by Igor Neminov and Artem Zigert

“The idea for this image was to create a unique perspective from a best friend’s vantage point. Visual storytelling enhanced and supported by drama and atmosphere.”

Software used: 3ds Max, Corona Renderer, Photoshop

“KOLLAGE” by Karim Rashid

“KOLLAGE is a multi-function, multi-disciplinary building. It is part office, part retail, part condo, and part apartment-hotel. The building is designed so that each section speaks about its function. The top section is a large rentable auditorium/meeting/hall room, whereas on the left, the projection is offices. The yellow section is an apartment-hotel, the blue ones are condominiums, and black and bottom are retail.

The idea is to animate the building so it speaks about its diversity of functions. In most multi-disciplinary buildings you do not really make a differentiation between the functions, so that was the main premise of Kollage. The other premise is to make views projecting in 360 degrees around the building, almost like a cubist painting, where we take the idea of a flat facade and we make it 3D.”

Software used: V-Ray, 3ds Max, Rhino

“Quarantine party” by Thomas Michielin

“The intention to imagine this space coincides with the first quarantine I was subjected to due to Covid, and let’s just say that being confined for weeks in a confined space with a newly purchased computer leaves room for imagination. The idea of designing a light show was always an unrealized dream, but one of those afternoons I came across a painting of St. Peter’s Basilica and realized how much fun I could have.

Weeks of modeling and rendering tests followed, I wasn’t in a hurry after all, all accompanied by mostly electronic music. I tried to concentrate in a single image the emotions I felt in those moments, the feeling of loneliness, the love for architecture, music and colors. The result is a space projected into the future as much as into the past. A space in which to dance!”

Software used: V-Ray, Rhino, Photoshop

“Freelance” by Ryan Banguilan

“This space depicts freedom.
Many people become freelancers during this stressful period.
As a freelancer, your life is like a roller coaster.
There’s a lot of adrenaline, and when it wears off, you really want to do it again, but there’s always that moment when you wonder why you did this to yourself.
As a freelancer, I’ve discovered more about myself than I ever imagined.
This inspires me to succeed.
It pushed me to always develop my talents and learn new things as a professional. That’s tremendously powerful.
It’s also made me a better person, both professionally and personally. It pushed me to constantly improve my skills and to never stop learning. Personally, it’s made me more appreciative.
It’s given me tremendous freedom. That made me rethink my dreams. You can work in the daytime or any time of the day you want. Feel free.”

Software used: 3ds Max, Corona Renderer, Photoshop

“Mirror of similarity” by Hamzeh Althweib

“Human nature tends to associate spatial architectural elements as; walls with rigidity and boundaries in order to define their spatial territory. Mirror of similarity is an installation that attempts to communicate active presence and in so little words some compassion through apartheid walls. Made by stripping individuals from their racial ideology and pre-defined prejudices, mirroring forms and shapes on the wall, done through utilizing motion detection in order to move the adjacent segments and thereby illustrating the actions of the person on the other side of the partied wall.”

Software used: Revit, Enscape, Photoshop

“22 Gordon Street” by Christian Coackley

“In light of enduring issues we are facing globally, such as a climate and ecological emergency, schools of architecture must nurture a culture of collaboration in architectural education to meaningfully address them. Therefore the drawing speculates on the third iteration of The Bartlett School of Architecture. In contrast to the building’s previous 2 iterations, Wates House (1975) and The Bartlett (2016), this next instalment of the school will be constructed over the course of a 1000 years by the students and tutors themselves.

The future generations of the building’s inhabitants will recover a lost material culture of hand-crafted ceramics. This interchangeable orchestra of students and tutors will weave themselves together through the poetic symphony of a shared material culture, ushering in a new era in architectural education. The Age of Belonging.”

Software used: Photoshop, Other

“Carbon Capture Refuge X” by Bless Yee

“War-ravaged by political upheaval and rendered nearly uninhabitable by natural disasters, the earth shuddered, and her refugees became ubiquitous.

A floating, sustainable, and habitable living infrastructure was developed. The CCRX Project (Carbon Capture Refuge X) was finally ready. At the heart of the CCRXs are direct air capture fans that extract carbon from the atmosphere and convert it into energy. The collected energy is then dispersed through neon strips that integrate with the walls, floors, and roofs of the structure. They are the veins that circulate utilities throughout the space, and they are the muscles that can open to light and air, close for inclement weather, or elongate to accommodate growth.

The CCRXs float along the earth’s troposphere, offering a home and a purpose to any survivors in its path – on a mission to rescue the earth and her inhabitants.”

Software used: Rhino, Photoshop, Twin Motion

“Afternoon Walk” by Peter Tran

“The image captures late afternoon vibes during the peak hours – a laneway with busy restaurants and shops, people catching up after work or going for a lazy stroll downtown. The image strives to create a vibrant yet peaceful feeling of what it would be like to be in a place like that during this exact time.”

Software used: V-Ray, Photoshop

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Giant algae-filled ponds sequester carbon
CategoriesSustainable News

Giant algae-filled ponds sequester carbon

Spotted: The past few years have seen a string of net-zero targets unveiled by some of the world’s largest companies. As many of these organisations will need to rely on carbon offsetting to reach their goals, this has created an enormous demand for high-quality, scalable solutions that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. These solutions come in all shapes and sizes – both nature-based and man-made. Now, UK company Brilliant Planet has developed one that has the potential to remove CO2 at a gigatonne scale.

The company captures carbon through enormous open-air ponds situated on coastal desert land. These ponds are teaming with photosynthesising algae that remove excess carbon dioxide from the air.

Brilliant Planet’s approach has a number of key benefits. First, it does not use fresh water, meaning there is no additional burden on water resources. Moreover, the ponds are situated in empty desert, employing under-utilised natural resources. The process also helps to de-acidify local coastal seawater.

Most importantly, the approach taken by Brilliant Planet is both cost-effective and verifiable – resolving a dilemma often faced by companies seeking to offset their emissions. “Nature-based solutions to climate change are normally the most scalable and cost-effective but it is often difficult to verify the amount of carbon removed by these methods,” explains Brilliant Planet CEO Adam Taylor. “On the other hand, man-made solutions such as direct air capture can be easily verified but are prohibitively expensive,” he adds.

Taylor argues that the company has found a way to deliver on all these requirements by delivering, cost-effectiveness and scalability in a way that is verifiable.

The company’s approach has certainly impressed investors who this month awarded the startup $12 million (around €11 million) in Series A funding. One participating investor, Toyota Ventures, pointed to the depth of the company’s fundamental research – which has included four years of trials at its three-hectare research facility in Morocco.

Other carbon capture innovations recently spotted by Springwise include liquid trees for urban environments, a new plan for storing carbon under the sea, and a startup that uses microbes to boost carbon sequestration.

Written By: Matthew Hempstead




Enscape 3.3 Takes Real-Time Architectural Visualization to the Next Level

Enscape 3.3 Takes Real-Time Architectural Visualization to the Next Level

Enscape, one of architecture’s most popular real-time visualization, 3D rendering and virtual reality applications, just got even better. Its latest iteration, version 3.3, brings a plethora of enhancements for its existing features as well as a host of new functions, each designed to make real-time rendering more intuitive to use at every stage of the design process.

Enscape brings the disciplines of design and visualization together, creating a unified experience that enables designers to collaborate on their projects in a dynamic fashion, as well as communicating their ideas to clients in an easy-to-understand way.

“We’re always looking for new ways to support our customers’ design workflows,” said Petr Mitev, VP Visualization Product Group at Enscape. “With our latest release, we’ve automated some processes so designers can spend more time making the right decisions and less time gathering the data needed to do it. We will also continue to improve our core visualization and sharing platforms based on community feedback.”

So, what can users expect from the new and improved Enscape application? Here are some key new features to look out for:

Site Context

It’s now possible to import a project’s existing surroundings directly into renderings, using data from global geographic database OpenStreetMap. Users can enter a specific address or coordinates to immediately locate and import the surroundings, or select and import key landmarks, streets, or topography.

Alpha Channel Export

With the Alpha Channel Export, you can now render an image with a transparent background. This means your project can now be quickly and easily combined with any style of sky, clouds, and horizon line in post production, lending Enscape a new layer of flexibility for still renderings.

Education Assets and Materials

Enscape’s popular 3D asset library has been radically expanded to include an extensive collection of educational assets, including classroom furniture, toys, musical instruments, playground equipment, acoustic panels, and more. The Enscape Material Library, which was introduced in Enscape 3.1, has also been expanded with materials such as new wallpapers and various carpets.

While they will be categorized under Education and are perfectly suited for kindergarten, school and college projects, these assets and materials are also useful for a wide variety of other typologies, including corporate, hospitality and residential projects.

Besides these headline new features, numerous other refinements have been introduced to Enscape 3.3, each with the goal of improving ease-of-use and an improved end product for users.

Additional Features

In terms of rendering, visualizations including glass and water are now more accurate thanks to improved graphic capabilities; transparent materials now appear in reflections, providing a more realistic appearance. The use of a graphics card that supports hardware-accelerated ray tracing, such as NVIDIA RTX series and AMD RX6xxx series, is required. Further to this, the new “Material Overwrite” function enables users to replace Enscape material files within the Enscape Material Editor without the need to manually import and export them.

In terms of user experience, it’s now possible to ‘pin’ the Enscape rendering window and associated menus to the top of your modeling window, allowing for easy access to view real-time changes even if you’re not using two screens. New upload migration capabilities have also been introduced, enabling users to manage uploads, such as web standalones and uploaded panoramas, online efficiently.

Finally, Enscape 3.3 works seamlessly with the latest version of SketchUp, providing key compatibility with one of the industry’s most used 3D modeling applications. Throw in full Japanese language support, and the latest edition of Enscape is inarguably the most comprehensive release to date when it comes to usability across platforms and geographies.

To get a first-hand look at Enscape’s full suite of real-time capabilities, click here to download a 14-day free trial. You can find out more about every feature over at


Round Up: Contextualizing the Rising Trend in Ring-Shaped Housing
CategoriesSustainable News

Round Up: Contextualizing the Rising Trend in Ring-Shaped Housing

Have your say in which architects will take home Architizer’s prestigious A+Awards: Public Voting opens this spring. Interested in next year’s program? Subscribe to our newsletter for updates.  

Recently, The Almanac by Sweco Architects Denmark made headlines for its conceptual community-centric approach to housing. Evoking themes associated with its namesake, the proposal features ring-shaped housing blocks with a large courtyard at its core. The lower floor of the building features cafes and other recreational spaces, tying it with the communal exterior spaces. The core also acts as the cultural center for each structure. The upper floor has a continuous balcony that connects to individual homes, all placed adjacent to each other along the ring form.

The Almanac by Sweco Architects Denmark

Like chawls found in Western India, the connected balcony on the exterior encourages neighbors to interaction. Additionally, the corridor on the inner side also forces people to walk by each other’s homes. Simply walking past the windows of other neighbors increases the chances of impromptu conversations and sharing of meals. Unlike apartments in big cities, it is almost impossible to not know who your neighbors are in this typology. Given the curved form, residents have the opportunity to interact with neighbors across the rings as well as those in the central garden.

The circular form has long been popular in architecture. Vernacular dwellings across the world were rounded, perhaps as an imitation of shapes and geometries found in the natural environment. But this form had several advantages as well. In comparison to a square or rectangular perimeter, a circular exterior has a lesser surface area, helping thermal conditions in cold climates. This shape also allowed for more connection points between the roof and the walls, making them stronger. These homes are also more resistant to strong winds, snow and earthquakes.

Image by ming yang via Pixabay

Over time the form of such buildings has evolved. Using a donut shape for multi-unit housing dates back to the 12th Century. The Tulou is a ring-shaped home made by the Hakka community in the Fujian province of China is one of the most well-known examples. There were some rectangular ones but the ring shape remained more popular. Given its robust walls and limited entrances, its structure was both built to protect its inhabitants and foster community living.

The building had small windows on the outside but was opened up inside. Each Tulou could have two to four floors. Made from thick load-bearing earthen walls, each building could easily house about 800 people along with other community spaces such as halls, wells and storerooms. Each Tulou was created for one Hakka clan and their extended family to live together. The uniform sizes of each home unit inside underscored the overarching design theme: unity.

Image by limo23 via Pixabay

In addition to protection and interaction, these structures were also very sustainable (primarily due to its durability). Today, these rammed earth structures are still standing. It should be noted that they have a minimal carbon footprint; in additional to sustainable material sourcing, the material structure itself also helps to regulate the temperature within. Furthermore, the unique donut shape allows ample light to enter the homes as well as in the common spaces, reducing the need for man-made light sources. There is also good circulation of the air through the entrances and the courtyard.

Apart from vernacular housing, the circular form with multiple units also found different uses through the 18th century. One such example is the Narrenturm in Vienna. The structure, built in 1784, was designed to accommodate psychiatric patients. This shape was thought to be helpful when trying to look at the occupants of the whole building from the center.

This idea was also the foundation for the conceptual Panopticon prisons, imagined by Jeremy Bentham. The building was to house prisoners in cells across the external ring and have a central watchtower for guards to observe prisoners from, much like an internal panorama. Fortunately, the use of the form has now reverted back to private homes, apartment complexes, museums and even commercial buildings.

62M by 5468796 Architecture, Winnipeg, Canada

Today, we’re seeing a renewed interest in this unique building footprint, and the idea of building a round housing structure is now popping up in cities across the world. Take, for example, 62M, a housing dormitory in Winnipeg, which resembles a flying saucer. The disk-shaped structure stands on tall columns to provide better views from the 40 studios within and help with climatic conditions.

The entrance of the building as well as the circulation elements are located at the center. Additionally, the continuous corridor was devised to reduce the alienation caused by connectors with dead ends and present opportunities for the residents to meet their neighbors. The circular form also reduces the external surface area, thereby making heating spaces more efficient in cold winters.

Tietgen Dormitory by Lundgaard & Tranberg Architects, København, Denmark

Similar themes are seen in the Tietgen Dormitory in Denmark. The structure comprises 360 residential units along the perimeter as well as some community spaces along the internal surface. Unlike previous structures in the article, homes in this dorm are staggered to create a sense of individuality. Several apartments are grouped together with a common community space that protrudes to help it stand out. While there is no common corridor inside, the circular form allows for increased visual connectivity.

The ring a ring a roses by GVultaggio

Lastly, a competition entry proposes a housing structure that increases interaction with the landscape as well as other residents. The different homes in the ring are placed at different heights and enclose the central space, creating a secured courtyard. The spaces on the lower level are classified as day-time functions whereas the upper level is for night-time or private functions.

All of these new structures draw on historic precedents but also bring new 21st century insights into the fold. While ringed housing complexes may never be a dominant residential floorplan in our cities, the host of design benefits suggest that this upward trend will bring more user-friendly, community-building housing stock to urban areas in the coming years.

Have your say in which architects will take home Architizer’s prestigious A+Awards: Public Voting opens this spring. Interested in next year’s program? Subscribe to our newsletter for updates.  


An energy-harvesting wearable made from recycled waste
CategoriesSustainable News

An energy-harvesting wearable made from recycled waste

Spotted: The global market for smart wearables is forecast to reach $42.3 billion (around €38.9 billion) by 2028. These devices will undoubtedly improve our lives through greater connectivity and convenience. But more electronic devices mean more demand for raw materials such as iron, copper, and gold – something which is increasingly emerging as a problem.

To tackle this, researchers from the University of Surrey, are explored how recycled waste materials can be used to make wearables by developing and testing a prototype wrist device made from discarded paper wipes and plastic cups.

The prototype is powered by energy harvested from the wearer’s movements. The device contains materials—called Triboelectric Nanogenerators (TENGs)—that become electrically charged when they rub against one another, in a process known as electrostatic induction. This charge is used to power the device – which currently transmits morse code. In the future the prototype could be developed into a smart watch.

“It won’t be long until we have to ask ourselves which of the items we own are not connected to the internet,” explains Dr Bhaskar Dudem, project lead and Research Fellow at the University of Surrey’s Advanced Technology Institute (ATI). “However, the current internet-of-things (IoT) revolution highlights the simple fact that our planet doesn’t have the raw resources to continue to make these devices which are in such high demand.”

Wearable innovations recently spotted by Springwise include
a biosensor
that can measure emotional data, a wearable
sensor for tracking stress, and a wearable
that uses the human body to power electrical equipment.

Written By: Matthew Hempstead




What's Yellow, Blue and Red All Over? Showcasing Sweden's Stunning Scarlet Architecture

What’s Yellow, Blue and Red All Over? Showcasing Sweden’s Stunning Scarlet Architecture

Architects: Want to have your project featured? Showcase your work through Architizer and sign up for our inspirational newsletter.   

The color red has been a part of residential architecture in Sweden since the 16th century when Falu red paint was first created from the residue found in copper mines in the country’s Falun region. Locals realized that this reddish sludge, when treated correctly, formed a paint that was very affordable, durable, weather-resistant and also helped mimic the appearance of brick houses that were owned by wealthier families.

Now, that particular shade of red is iconic and is knowingly used to help houses stand out in the verdant landscape. Today, the tradition continues evolving. Shades of Falu red now coats a variety of Swedish structures ranging from small homes and barns to large-scale university and apartment buildings. Here are a few buildings that illustrate the timelessness and exuberance of the color.

Images by Johan Fowelin

The Pavilion by Marge Arkitekter, Stockholm, Sweden

Unlike traditional pavilions, this Stockholm structure is stacked like a building. It is conceived to become the focal point of the redesign of the city block around it. The different levels help accommodate the slope of the site and provide access to visitors from both sides. The rouge tone helps it stand out among the beige and brown hues of the buildings around and also acts as a beacon for the citizens. The patterned exterior, created in collaboration with artist Gunilla Klingberg, is made of red-dyed concrete. The language is kept consistent by painting the awnings and window frames as well.

Späckhuggaren / House for a drummer by Bornstein Lyckefors Arkitekter, Kärna, Sweden

Coated in the traditional Falu red color, this house was designed for a single father of two. At one point, the site housed an old farm stall and a warehouse that was destroyed in a fire. The form of that warehouse is what inspired the design of this house. While the home appears heavy and solid from the outside, the interiors are open and airy. The spaces inside vary in height and there are mesh-covered gaps between levels to allow light to penetrate diagonally across floors.

Images by Ulf Celander

Uppgrenna Naturehouse by Tailor made arkitekter, Uppgränna, Sweden

This café and event space is a remodel of a red barn that was extant on the site. The red base, reminiscent of the previous structure, is given a modern facelift with the addition of a large greenhouse on top. The addition of panels to the base and doors not only helps maintain the barn aesthetic but also helps reduce heat radiation. On top, the greenhouse is equipped with a sewage and waste recycling system that also aids the growth of plants within. This eliminates the need to be connected to the municipal sewage system.

Images by Åke Eson Lindman

Passive Townhouses in Vallastaden by Kjellgren Kaminsky Architecture AB, Linköping, Sweden

The townhouse is broken up into four different apartments, with each one showcasing a slightly different personality. The continuous volume is broken up into four parts using separate roofs and façade patterns. These patterns are created using a mix of black, bright red and brick-toned tiles. The individuality of the apartments is also reflected in the kitchens and bathrooms inside. Additionally, this building features a courtyard, garden and storage space.

Tower on the Ting by Wingårdh Arkitektkontor AB, Örnsköldsvik, Sweden

Niklas Nyberg, a local builder, bought a courthouse that was built in 1967 after discovering it was rarely used and hoped to construct an apartment building on top of it. Taking inspiration from one of his favorite artists, Bengt Lindström, the architect set out to design a multidimensional apartment block. The square plan of the building is broken up into nine parts like a hashtag. Each level of the structure is made up of five apartments placed around a central block. The exterior is covered in glazed ceramic tiles in colors found in Lindström’s artwork.

Images by Tord-Rikard Soderstrom and Åke Eson Lindman

Kuggen by Wingårdh Arkitektkontor AB, Gothenburg, Sweden

The colorful glazed terracotta panels on this university building almost make it appear as if it is in motion. The red tones are a nod to the wharves and the harbors in the region and the other tones help add dimension and contrast. The structure is shaped like a tapered cylinder to shade the lower floors and increase floor space. The upper levels of the southern portion of the building project a bit further than the others to provide more shade throughout the day. Similarly, the triangular windows emerged from lighting considerations; they are designed to draw in sunlight from the ceiling and ensure that it reaches the building’s core. Meanwhile, motion-activated lights and ventilation systems help to conserve energy.

Moderna Museet Malmö by Tham & Videgård Arkitekter, Malmö, Sweden

The new branch of the Swedish Museum of Modern Art stands is a remodel of an old electricity station. The remodel is marked with the addition of a bright vermillion cubical extension with a perforated façade placed right next to a traditional entrance. The larger perforations on the lower level help the museum’s sign stand out as well. The floor is glazed to filter the sunlight coming in and the same vibrant hue is painted across every surface as well as the furniture inside the café. The other exhibition spaces are painted white or other neutral tones, intentionally creating a contrast.

Fire House by Ulf Mejergren Architects (UMA), Stockholm, Sweden

After the previous outhouse burned down, the architect decided to rewrite the story of its demise in the replacement design. The client’s requirement for a red shed was taken up a notch by adding recycled beads, arranged to mimic a burning blaze, on the walls. This was paired with lights to bring this composition to life. In addition to being a point of conversation, the faux fire also helps keep the deer and rabbits away. The effect produced was so realistic that the owners had to inform their neighbors that it was art and not actual fire when they called the fire brigade.

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United Nations SDG 3: good health and wellbeing
CategoriesSustainable News

Innovation and SDG 3: good health and wellbeing

Between 2000 and 2019, global life expectancy increased by more than six years. And over the long term, average life expectancy has increased from less than 30 in 1770 to over 70 in 2019. Simply put, people are living long than ever – a testament to the exponential gains in medical knowledge that have accompanied our modern age.

But while the overall story of global healthcare is a positive one, the COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us not to be complacent. Aside from the immediate impact of the crisis, huge disparities remain between different healthcare systems, and the pandemic has highlighted varying levels of resilience and preparedness. Moreover, the toll of endemic infectious disease remains high in some regions. In 2020, 1.5 million people died from tuberculosis, 680,000 from AIDS-related illnesses, and 627,000 from malaria. And, while people are living longer, increases in the number of years a person can expect to live in good health have not kept pace with overall life expectancy.

Global health and wellbeing challenges therefore remain, and innovation will play an important role in tackling them – from artificial intelligence that streamlines diagnosis to clothing that helps to prevent malaria.

Health and AI

One major frontier of medical innovation is artificial intelligence (AI). The AI in healthcare market is forecast to reach $64.1 billion (around €59 billion) by 2027. AI is scaling up and automating tasks that could previously be completed only by human health professionals – freeing up the time of doctors and nurses, while helping to reduce human error. For example, a network of 11 medical facilities in Chicago, is trialling an AI system that flags and follows-up on signs in medical images of illnesses beyond those that were the subject of the original referral.

With AI applications growing in number, there is strong demand for large amounts of patient data to test and train algorithms. One startup is on a mission to provide the data needed for validation studies that test the effectiveness of AI healthcare applications – without compromising patient privacy.

United Nations SDG 3: good health and wellbeing

Mental Health

Recent decades have seen growing understanding of the importance of mental health. According to the World Health Organizatio(WHO), around 20 per cent of the world’s children and adolescents have a mental health condition. The seriousness of mental health is enshrined in target 3.4 within SDG 3 – which calls for the promotion of mental health and well-being. Innovation is helping to improve access to mental health services. For example, one app uses AI to provide clinically proven mental health therapy. The platform offers affordable psychological support regardless of location and time. 

Given the prevalence of mental health conditions among children, innovators are focusing on solutions tailored to the needs of families. For example, another mental health app helps families have difficult conversations using a framework based on empirical, evidence-based research and insights.

United Nations SDG 3: good health and wellbeing

Health coverage and access to medicines

According to the United Nations, less than half of the global population is covered by essential health services. And 2 billion people still lack access to medicines. Target 3.8 within SDG 3 sets the task of achieving universal health coverage, encompassing financial risk protection and access to services, medicines, and vaccines. Here innovation can help. For example, one Nigerian startup is aiming to make healthcare accessible and affordable in low- and middle-income countries. The company does this by bundling together several healthcare services—including insurance plans, telemedicine, and prescription delivery—under a single flat fee. Another, related issue is the prevalence of fake pharmaceuticals. An online marketplace combats this problem with a platform that connects patients with trusted, vetted suppliers.

Contagious disease

Much progress has been made in tackling contagious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria. For example, over 6.2 million malaria deaths were averted between 2000 and 2015. Nonetheless, , according to the WHO, there were 241 million malaria cases in 2021. One startup is making bamboo sleepwear with insect repellent incorporated into the fabric. This helps to prevent mosquito bites that transmit malaria-causing parasites.

Tuberculosis (TB) is another disease that remains deadly. In 2020, an estimated 9.9 million people fell ill with TB. To enable TB diagnosis in remote regions, a Mexican biotechnology startup has developed an affordable diagnostic system that requires no electricity, costs less than €1 per test, and returns results in 15 minutes.

United Nations SDG 3: good health and wellbeing

Reproductive health

According to the WHO, every day in 2017, approximately 810 women died from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. Of these deaths, 94 per cent were in low- and lower-middle-income countries. A key cause of maternal death is a lack of medical expertise, with over 55 per cent of countries having fewer than 40 nursing and midwifery professionals per 10,000 people. However, innovation can still play a role in improving reproductive health. For example, a new blood test—which can be taken around the sixth month of pregnancy—could signal the likelihood of a premature birth.

Words: Matthew Hempstead

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Airbus A380 completes flight powered entirely by sustainable aviation fuel
CategoriesSustainable News

Airbus A380 completes flight powered entirely by sustainable aviation fuel

Spotted: Aviation accounts for around 2.5 per cent of global carbon dioxide, but its actual contribution to climate change is much higher. This is because air travel not only emits CO2, but also a number of other pollutants—such as nitrogen oxides and particulates—along with water vapour, which triggers cloud formation. These emissions are also released higher up in the atmosphere than with other forms of transportation, resulting in a greater warming effect. For this reason, replacing aviation fuel with more sustainable options has become something of a holy grail in the sustainability sector.

Now, Airbus has made new progress, with an A380 flight powered entirely with sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). The flight used an A380 test aircraft MSN 1 and lasted around three hours – taking off from Blagnac Airport in Toulouse. The 27 tonnes of SAF fuel used in the flight was provided by TotalEnergies, and was produced locally, in Normandy.

Like other brands of SAF, the TotalEnergies fuel is made from hydroprocessed esters and fatty acids (HEFA). These are free of aromatics and sulphur, and were made primarily using used cooking oil and other waste fats, such as animal waste fat as feedstock. These fats are then refined to produce a fuel that has a very similar chemistry to traditional jet fuel. However, in addition to being produced from waste, rather than fossil fuels, SAF also contains fewer impurities (such as sulphur), which means fewer emissions.

According to Airbus, this is the third Airbus aircraft type to fly on 100 per cent SAF in the past year. Earlier flights included an Airbus A350 in March 2021, and an A319neo single-aisle aircraft in October 2021. However, the A380 is the largest of the three to fly entirely on SAF. The company claims that, “Increasing the use of SAF remains a key pathway to achieving the industry’s ambition of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.”

At the moment, each passenger on a round-trip flight between New York and London requires more emissions than used by an average person in Paraguay during an entire year. So it’s no wonder that SAF is increasingly in the spotlight. Springwise has seen this with innovations such as an SAF made using captured CO2. And in 2021, United Airlines completed the world’s first commercial flight powered entirely by SAF. 

Written By: Lisa Magloff





One Rendering Challenge 2022: The Finalists (Part 3)

Explore a further 25 extraordinary architectural visualizations, each one a Finalist in the 3rd Annual One Rendering Challenge. Let us know which are your favorites on Instagram and Twitter with the hashtag #OneRenderingChallenge!

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“#CC9999” by Inês Bandeira and Pedro Oliveira

““Color is a power which directly influences the soul.” — Wassily Kandinsky

We’ve decided to capture this specific perspective because we want to try and communicate the atmosphere and sensation of its space through its color. But also a space that would intrigue whoever came across it and that would help promote curiosity about other spaces that aren’t shown in the image. It could be either the corridor at the end of the hall or the stairs that brings a certain suspense of what might be at the top.

To create this concept of simultaneous events and feelings of the space, we started by merging a diversity of perspectives approaching an idea of spatial and structure composition through: mass, emptiness, rhythm, contrast, unity, dimension, scale and light. We also try to incorporate a relationship with nature, where we try to bring an identity with a complex composition.”

Software used: Twin Motion, Other

“Frontier of Galapagosization” by Jasper Lo

“Puerto Baquerizo Moreno is an urban settlement located on San Cristobal Island in Galapagos. Since 1959, any horizontal expansion of the urban areas is not allowed to protect the environment, nowadays is facing serious economic issues.

This modular timber structure utilized aquaponics to promote urban farming on the edge of the town. By designing a border typology to develop a place for agriculture, conserving nature and endemic species to dissolve the existing physical and cultural boundary. The structural material proposed the guava tree as a laminated timber panel, transferring the invasive species into building material.

The vertical farm provides a starting place to nurture the little coffee plantation until it grows up and send them back to the highland to continue working with the existing agriculture. As an intervention, it creates disturbance from the urban perspective to the environment and noosphere, leading the existing fragile system to positive cycles.”

Software used: Rhino, Lumion, Photoshop

“The Built Environment” by Wilson Costa

“This piece is more of a political statement to depict how the built environment can affect nature. The columns represent tall leafless trees in the forest. The concrete floors are dried out soil. The lack of colour represents most architecture today which is very monochromatic and dull without paying homage to the nature around it. The architecture industry needs to embrace nature more by incorporating living walls, green roofs, natural light and colour.”

Software used: SketchUp, Photoshop

“Beach House Daydream” by Jordan Gray

“”It was a longer winter than usual and time to leave the cabin, snowstorm, and mountains behind. The travel guidebooks were read end-to-end and accommodations booked early, the duffel packed full and ready. Then breaking news…”

This is a glimpse back on quarantine days through a surreal and hazy lens; a rumination on being locked-in during lockdown. A story about creature comforts and coping. A study of contrasts: cold and warmth, impositions and control, reality and daydreams. A virtual getaway for the mind.”

Software used: SketchUp, Lumion, Photoshop

“Architecture in Drag” by Michael Evola

“Architecture is in drag when it imitates architecture. It is a performance identifying and innovating upon the architect’s unknown knowns. This is one such performance. Architecture, known as stable, secure and structured is imitated as fluid. Similarly, this dress, or perhaps this building, is a ball house; an imitation of the architectural house. The latter is a place of comfort and shelter but not for all.

For those whose identities are fluid, the architectural house is anything but comforting. Than there are the houses of ball culture; imitative houses for those without an architectural house. An organization of individuals providing comfort and shelter to fluid identities. As a ball house, this organization is also fluid. Space, ritual and structure are drawn as unstable and unbound. It expresses the limitlessness of identity and the concept’s lack of truth, like a drag performer.”

Software used: V-Ray, Rhino, Blender, Photoshop

“Duplex Feeling” by Alberto Pizzoli

“”She has everything she needs inside the duplex cabin. A living area full of light and warm wood, a cozy cave-like bedroom and a bathroom overlooking the mountains. She spends all day outside, taking pictures and enjoying the landscape, happy to come back here for a warm shower and a quiet night.”

The image portrays a mountain cabin, located in the Alps. It can be rented for the entire season, to take advantage of the proximity with the ski slopes and the summer hikes. The atmosphere inside is warm and welcoming. A pleasant shelter. The key of the image is the position of the camera. The entrance is located on a platform between the two stair flights, and this point of view becomes a section of the space, showing the contrast between natural and artificial light. The final touch is the lady profile behind the glass, adding a sensual feeling.”

Software used: 3ds Max, Corona Renderer, Photoshop

“Nature Takes Over Again” by Dominik Stoschek

“In architecture, we often tend to only depict the beautiful and flawless parts while forgetting that it is the patina of a certain material or the irregularity in a structure that brings out the real beauty of a scene. Therefore, “Nature Takes Over Again” depicts an urban dystopia where nature is slowly but surely taking back what it once lost to humankind.
It takes place in a street that is completely abandoned but filled with human remnants.

Buildings framing the street are slowly falling apart and are overgrown with grass and plants. A few animals such as deer and ducks are reconquering this place again. In the background, you can glimpse the skyline of an abandoned city. The perspective guides the viewer’s attention towards a collapsed bridge which is the ultimate symbol of the end of humankind and the domination of nature.””

Software used: Rhino, Other

“Forest…Sweet Home” by Oscar Sanabria

“I remember the anger when the noise came…where was my forest???
The distant…those tall pines…. straight ahead, without obstacles…, I’ll never see them again….
But suddenly, step by step…. those hateful concrete blocks became my best accompaniment, fuller of life, beautiful at days and nights…

I cannot conceive of life without this beautiful view, and I recognize that it is not always easy to be a rock in the forest.

The Rock House design inspired by “Casa Retina” from Arnau Estudi d´Arquitectura.”

Software used: V-Ray, 3ds Max

“The Architecture of Numinosity” by Samuel Negash

“”Geometric proportions turn into shivers, stone into tears, rituals into revelations, light into grace, space into contemplation, and time into divine presence.” – Julio Bermudez

The “ineffable,” “immeasurable” and the “numinous.” The architecture of Numinosity draws from religious scholar Rudolf Otto and his ‘Idea of the Holy’”

Software used: V-Ray

“Nymphaeum” by Zana Bamarni

“This piece was inspired by Villa-Giulia in Rome, a building historically located at the emergence of the Baroque style. Its most interesting feature is the layered garden. Two levels underground is the most sacred area, the “Nymphaeum”, where the residents could rest, dine or meet with guests. A fountain and multiple marble statues enrich this place and create an idyllic atmosphere.

In my work, I tried to adapt this spatial layout to create a garden-like space which envokes a sense of protection and tranquility. Another aspect of the Baroque design language which partially found its way to the Villa-Giulia is the plasticity of the surfaces. I adapted this characteristic in a more contemporary way. The patterns are the result of projection and intersection operations, which blurs the shapes. The goal was to create a space that doesn’t give away its secrets so easily but invites you to uncover them.”

Software used: V-Ray, Rhino

“Grand Hotel” by Zana Bamarni

“This piece was inspired by the 20th century photographer Berenice Abbott and her collection about the New-York-City street life. I was fascinated by her dramatic yet melancolic imagery and tried to adapt elements like the strong light-shafts which pierce through the narrow streets and highlight a small, specific area. The surreal coloration of the material and the sometimes weird form language are supposed to strengthen the melancolic and almost dreamlike mood.”

Software used: V-Ray, Rhino

“Ice Towers” by Viviane Viniarski, Antonella Marzi, Chiara Marzi, Marta Dituri, Daniela Aru and Jose Gerardo Ponte

“A powerful and evocative gesture, a reinterpretation of the monument in a modern key.

Our concept design stems from abstract ideas and shapes in inhospitable environments that become an architectural project. The site context aims to stimulate people’s thoughts on the consequences of human intervention in the living environment and adaptation to architecture. Two crystalline monoliths emerge in the Arctic landscape. The building’s volume explores the sense as an ice sculpture on the rocks, by means of materials, textures, and colors.

As generated by tectonic forces, they guard and conceal an entire underground world. The towers rise from a submerged area, bursting through the surface, which integrating into the landscape – between the cliff and ocean waves.”

Software used: 3ds Max, Revit, Photoshop

“The Magician” by John Yim

“A fantastical recreation of the Golden Gallery at Schloss Charlottenburg, a mesmerizing interior space of splendid decoration rich with sculpture, textiles, and mirrors.”

Software used: Rhino, Cinema 4D

“Mirage” by Hamzeh Althweib

“Mirage, is an illustration for an exhibition space based on a dream I once had, in a time not so distant from ours. Illustrating a post-apocalyptic future, situated in a transitory exhibition space, presenting visitors to the notions of both individuality and conformity. While the focus is primarily on the people who are shaping the architectural outlook according to thier present reality, feelings of fascination and longing for freedom and peace, during uncertain times are also expressed through their disconnect from the brutal nature of thier surroundings.”

Software used: Photoshop

“The Places That Do Not Exist” by Noam Elyasim

“Generally, we tend to admire the most impressive, popular and most commonly knows as “beautiful” buildings and sites in the world. I sometimes try to shift my attention to a different kinds of sites and places. From time to time I find myself falling in love with those dark, shady and almost transparent places on one hand, but at the same time, places that are full of details, mystery, unique textures and life. In my opinion we need to pay attention to those places. Appreciate them, take a closer look at them. I’m positive that we’ll find something new each and every time we do.”

Software used: V-Ray, SketchUp, Photoshop, Other

“Whenever I See the Ocean I Think of Home” by Daniel Chen

“// The sound of the ocean,
salt air on a breeze,
thin lines of light across space tether you to me;
and on southern seas,
down by black sand beach,
there’s a ghost in the spaces where you used to be. //

La Mer (in English: The Sea), is an architectural monument that acts as a reflection of the ocean: the tensile roof surface ripples as the ocean wind blows on it, mimicking the effect of the waves below.”

Software used: 3ds Max, Rhino, Corona Renderer

“Inhabit the Uninhabitable” by Aristotle Gaddi

“Set in a post-apocalyptic, dystopian context where people are challenged to ‘Inhabit the Uninhabitable’, this project explores themes of discovery, new beginnings, and a sense of place. Located in the heart of the Patagonian Forest in South America, the project’s landscaping takes inspiration from the 100,000 hectares of land that fosters biological diversity.

The architectural language focuses on the importance and scale of landscaping on the built environment and how people inhabit these spaces.”

Software used: 3ds Max, Corona Renderer, Photoshop

“Black Sea of Trees” by Koen Klok

“The Japanese hold Mount Fuji in a special place in their hearts respecting the mystical qualities of the cone-shaped mountain for many generations. A long time ago in Japan a belief arose that spirits of the dead climbed up mountains and became gods (kami) at the peak. From al mountains Mount Fuji is sacred in particular. Japanese Buddhists revere the mountain is a gateway to another world.

The Cone is an architectural hybrid structure hovering on top of the pinnacle, self-fulfilling a prophecy. The structure is a symbol of hope for those who are lost, remaining hopeless in the Black Sea of Trees; Aokigahara. It provides shelter for those who reach the end of the pilgrimage after final efforts with severe prostratious powers. Better times await for those who dare to step in the cocoons of the cryonic hotel of the Cone. Come, come and see; give it a go.”

Software used: 3ds Max, Corona Renderer, Photoshop

“LUCI” by Roman Huzar

“Sitting in a big boat, sailing slowly in the river, watching the local fisherman standing with his cormorants on the traditional bamboo raft with lanterns near a small village hiding behind the morning fog and large mountains, and only small ships with candles flutter in the water, luring fish that one of the cormorants is ready to catch right now and bring to his master whose not just smiled, it was as if he was blooming leisurely, surprised himself that he was smiling and blooming…

This story is not really about traditional architecture, it’s about the environment in which we live, where man is a prism of what surrounds him and what was created by the main architect – nature.”

Software used: 3ds Max, Corona Renderer, Photoshop, Other

“Skyscrapers to Lifesavers- Rewilding Manchester” by Hermann Siu

“The climate and ecological crisis are no longer fringe concerns. From stratospheric ozone depletion, air and water quality degradation to deforestation, they are URGENT EXISTENTIAL THREATS to the human race. We must act to reset our relationship with nature. Rewilding our city restores the area to its centuries-long practice of HUMAN SUPREMACY to ECOLOGICALLY CONSCIOUS CONSUMERISM. Our capitalist culture requires this constant consumption and disposal.

This increases environmental degradation and climate change. But what if rewilding our city could reduce the magnitude of this EPHEMERALITY? Rather confining to the stereotypical language of simply promoting greater urban greeneries, one should stimulate the BUFFER ZONE between ECOCENTRISM and TECHNOCENTRISM. In turn, accelerating the developments of biophilic urbanisms to rectify the environment, society, and economy. Rewriting the relationship between HUMANS and NATURE is imperative. The old normal of taking and consuming is unambiguously malfunctioning. The NEW NORMAL must grow, restore, and cure.”

Software used: SketchUp, Rhino, Photoshop, Twin Motion

“Tamarack” by Daniel Temple and Alaina Temple

“It’s late afternoon, the sun is setting and the last vestiges of light are streaming through the Tamarack trees. It’s winter and the icy cold river is just starting to thaw at the bank as hope for Spring abounds. The warm glow of the cabins glow against the cool blue landscape as campfire smoke drifts through the larches.”

Software used: 3ds Max, Revit, Corona Renderer

“Afloat” by Osama Zia Khan

“Look at the sky; remind yourself of the cosmos. Seek vastness at every opportunity in order to remind yourself that you are a small cog in an enormous machine.

Our mind is like a cloudy sky: in essence clear and pure, but overcast by clouds of delusions. Just as the thickest clouds can disperse, so, too, even the heaviest delusions can be removed from our mind. The bubbles are reminiscent of a lucid dream, fragile and fragrant with hope. The house in the clouds is my reprieve from worldliness. It’s a place of solace, a break from monotony and a life of peace.

Designed by Alexis Dornier”

Software used: Lumion, Revit, Photoshop

“House in the Carpathians” by Ksenia Kora

“An ode to minimalism and graphics. We play with shapes and elements of nature. Experimenting with the horse figures, wintery landscape, and minimalist structures gave us what we needed: a balance of sharpness and sinuosity.
Our team has made these images for a small house surrounded by Karpathian mountains.”

Software used: 3ds Max, Corona Renderer, Photoshop

“Mars, Colony III” by CUUB studio

“Situated in the middle of Utopia Planitia, a broad plain in the northeast of Mars, Colony III was settled in 2040 and opened to intrepid visitors a few years later. It sits on top of a vast underground ice reserve which contains as much water as the entire Great Lakes system combined. Each structure of the Colony III resort that houses you during your stay is covered by state-of-the-art ceramic-graphene shields to provide the utmost safety from gamma rays while making your stay as comfortable as possible.

The true magic of Mars comes at sunset and midnight.

Describing the emotions you will feel on Mars is impossible. Visit Colony III and explore the universe in a way you’ve never before imagined.”

Software used: 3ds Max, Corona Renderer

“Poles and Umbrellas” by HISM studio

“Rainy evening in downtown New York. Wet asphalt, night city lights, and the never-sleeping life in the Big Apple.”

Software used: 3ds Max, Corona Renderer, Photoshop

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