Fairphone 5 smartphone launches with “fairest battery yet”
CategoriesSustainable News

Fairphone 5 smartphone launches with “fairest battery yet”

Tech company Fairphone has worked with Swedish design agency Above to produce the latest version of its ethical smartphone, with a focus on reducing the environmental and social impacts of battery metal mining.

The Dutch social enterprise, which has been making its modular, repairable smartphone since 2013, said the Fairphone 5 has its “fairest battery yet” and the fairest on the market right now based on available industry data.

The company used recycled steel, nickel alloy, tin and plastic in the battery and aimed to improve the conditions of workers in its supply chain for other key metals such as lithium, gold and cobalt.

Photo of two editions of the Fairphone 5, one in a blue colour, one transparent, being touched together like clinking glasses against a background of green foliage
The Fairphone 5 is the latest version of Fairphone’s modular, ethical smartphone

Its initiatives included sourcing the lithium from a mine that was one of the first to be audited against the IRMA Standard for Responsible Mining, which has been recognised by the EU as the strongest standard in the industry. It also uses Fairtrade certified gold and pays a premium to the factory workers involved in battery production, effectively giving them a living wage for the duration of the work.

The company also used “mineral credits”, which are based on the idea of carbon credits or offsets and managed through the external organisations the Alliance for Responsible Mining and The Impact Facility.

The system involves Fairphone matching its material use with financial support for efforts to achieve safer working conditions and fairer production models in the mining of minerals such as cobalt and silver.

Photo of three young people sitting in a row holding Fairphone 5s in different colours. From left: transparent, blue then black
The phone is available in three colours

For instance, the company says its purchase of Fairmined silver credits will offset 100 per cent of its silver use and allow small-scale miners working independently of large companies to take actions such as adding ventilation systems and solar panels, assessing water and air quality, and investing in worker and community health.

Beyond just its battery, the Fairphone 5 is also what Fairphone calls “e-waste neutral” – meaning the company compensates for every new phone by recycling an equal amount of electronic waste or taking back and repairing old phones.

It includes upwards of eight years of software support and continues the brand’s practice of featuring replaceable and repairable modules to extend the lifespan of the phone.

Photo of a young woman smiling and holding a blue Fairphone 5 against her eye
Fairphone will provide at least eight years of software support to encourage users to hold onto their phones

“The Fairphone 5 is better than ever, but more importantly, it’s made with more fair and recycled materials and contributes to improving the lives of over 54,000 people in its manufacturing chain,” said Fairphone co-founder and head of product management Miquel Ballester.

The phones have a Qualcomm QCM6490 chipset, which is unusual for smartphones and was designed by Qualcomm for Internet of Things products. Fairphone says that it is this choice that enables them to offer the longer software support that you would ususally find in those products.

It has commited to continuing support until 2031 and is aiming for 2033 — a total of eight to ten years, around twice the standard support time of other Android providers, therefore potentially allowing users to keep their phone for twice as long.

The Fairphone 5’s battery is removeable and replaceable, along with nine other modules including the cameras, loudspeaker, USBC-port and SIM card slot and SD card slot.

Photo of a man dancing in front of red steps while holding a smartphone and wearing headphones
The phone includes 10 replaceable components

Design agency Above says it has designed the components to be easier to remove and replace than previously, while also honing the modules to have their own visual appeal.

The modules are visible through a translucent recycled plastic back cover — one of three colour options for the Fairphone 5 and one that Above says is a “visual celebration of the innovation and sustainable ethos embedded within the product”.

“We celebrate sustainability as a unique opportunity to craft beautiful products, shattering the myth that it demands design compromises,” said Above senior creative director Ryan Helps.

Photo of a young woman wearing headphones and displaying the Fairphone 5 in the Transparent Edition, showing the blue shapes of different modules under the surface
The phone comes in a transparent edition through which the modules inside can be seen

Fairphone sold 115,681 handsets in 2022, and its sales have been slowly growing since its launch 10 years ago. The company’s main aim is not to rival giants like Apple and Samsung on sales but to demonstrate best practices and grow the market for more ethical electronics.

Of its use of mineral credits, the company said it is “a scalable solution that is easily replicable by the industry”.

“Imagine if the biggest companies in the industry were to shift their supply chains to even a fraction of fair sourced materials or implement even a few of our living wage initiatives?” said Ballester. “The impact would be enormous and our industry could change the world.”

“Instead, it is lagging behind in its response to the big environmental and social challenges on the horizon.”

Fairphone is headquartered in Amsterdam, in a warehouse on the northern docks renovated with reclaimed materials.


MIT engineers create battery alternative using cement and carbon black
CategoriesSustainable News

MIT engineers create battery alternative using cement and carbon black

Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a low-cost energy storage system that could be integrated into roads and building foundations to facilitate the renewable energy transition.

The research team has created a supercapacitor – a device that works like a rechargeable battery – using cement, water and carbon black, a fine black powder primarily formed of pure carbon.

The breakthrough could pave the way for energy storage to be embedded into concrete, creating the potential for roads and buildings that charge electric devices.

Photo of cement and carbon black supercapacitor by MIT researchers
MIT researchers created a set of button-sized supercapacitors. Image courtesy of MIT

Unlike batteries, which rely on materials in limited supply such as lithium, the technology could be produced cheaply using materials that are readily available, according to the researchers.

They describe cement and carbon black as “two of humanity’s most ubiquitous materials”.

“You have the most-used manmade material in the world, cement, combined with carbon black, which is a well-known historical material – the Dead Sea Scrolls were written with it,” said MIT professor Admir Masic.

The research team included Masic and fellow MIT professors Franz-Josef Ulm and Yang-Shao Horn, with postdoctoral researchers Nicolas Chanut, Damian Stefaniuk and Yunguang Zhu at MIT and James Weaver at Harvard’s Wyss Institute.

“Huge need for big energy storage”

They believe the technology could accelerate a global shift to renewable energy.

Solar, wind and tidal power are all produced at variable times, which often don’t correspond with peak electricity demand.  Large-scale energy storage is necessary to take advantage of these sources but is too expensive to realise using traditional batteries.

“There is a huge need for big energy storage,” said Ulm. “That’s where our technology is extremely promising because cement is ubiquitous.”

The team proved the concept works by creating a set of button-sized supercapacitors, equivalent to one-volt batteries, which were used to power an LED light.

They are now developing a 45-cubic-metre version to show the technology can be scaled up.

Calculations suggest a supercapacitor of this size could store around 10 kilowatt-hours of energy, which would be enough to meet the daily electricity usage of a typical household.

This means that a supercapacitor could potentially be incorporated into the concrete foundation of a house for little to no additional cost.

“You can go from one-millimetre-thick electrodes to one-metre-thick electrodes, and by doing so basically you can scale the energy storage capacity from lighting an LED for a few seconds to powering a whole house,” Ulm said.

The researchers suggest that embedding the technology into a concrete road could make it possible to charge electric cars while they are travelling across it, using similar technology to that used in wireless phone chargers.

Battery-powered versions of this system are already being trialled across Europe.

Carbon black key to “fascinating” composite

Supercapacitors work by storing electrical energy between two electrically conductive plates. They are able to deliver charge much more rapidly than batteries but most do not offer as much energy storage.

The amount of energy they are able to store depends on the total surface area of the two plates, which are separated by a thin insulation layer.

The version developed here has an extremely high internal surface area, which greatly improves its effectiveness. This is due to the chemical makeup of the material formed when carbon black is introduced to a concrete mixture and left to cure.

“The material is fascinating,” said Masic. “The carbon black is self-assembling into a connected conductive wire.”

According to Masic, the amount of carbon black needed is very small – as little as three per cent.

The more is added, the greater the storage capacity of the supercapacitor. But this also reduces the structural strength of the concrete, which could be a problem in load-bearing applications.

The “sweet spot” is believed to be around 10 per cent.

The composite material could also be utilised within a heating system, the team suggested. Full details of their findings are due to be published in an upcoming edition of science journal PNAS.

Other attempts at creating large-scale, low-cost energy storage systems include Polar Night Energy’s “sand battery”, which is already servicing around 10,000 people in the Finnish town of Kankaanpää.

The top image is courtesy of Shutterstock.


A revolutionary iron-air battery for grid-level energy storage
CategoriesSustainable News

A revolutionary iron-air battery for grid-level energy storage

Spotted: Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries were first developed in 1985 and have since become ubiquitous in products such as toys, wireless headphones, electric vehicles, and electrical energy storage systems. However, one issue with these batteries is the fact that they contain numerous toxic metals, which make their manufacture, recycling, and use environmentally problematic.

Startup Form Energy, which was spun out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), has found a way to make an alternative battery technology, metal-air batteries, more viable. Today’s metal-air batteries, such as the zinc-air batteries used in hearing aids, use fewer toxic materials than Li-ion batteries but are not rechargeable as they corrode quickly. The MIT researchers, however, have found a way to reverse the corrosion process, creating rechargeable iron-air batteries.

Iron was chosen for use in the new design because it is cheap and abundant, with the new batteries likely costing around $20 per kilowatt-hour, compared to up to $200 for Li-ion batteries. The company says they will be perfect for grid-level energy storage as they excel at long-term energy storage and can deliver more than three milliwatts output capacity per acre of batteries.

Form CEO Mateo Jaramillo explains: “We believe that to meet supply chain challenges and to run the grid reliably and affordably, we need new domestically manufactured energy storage technologies (…) The active components of our iron-air battery system are some of the safest, cheapest, and most abundant materials on the planet – low-cost iron, water, and air.”

Improving battery technology to make it cheaper, safer, and more efficient is the impetus behind a growing number of innovations spotted by Springwise. Some recent developments include a green method for recycling the materials used in Li-ion batteries, and improved, high-performance hydrogen fuel cells.

Written By: Lisa Magloff


The world’s largest flow battery energy storage system
CategoriesSustainable News

The world’s largest flow battery energy storage system

Spotted: As the world strives to achieve carbon neutrality, energy storage technology is becoming increasingly important. Renewable energy sources like wind and solar power are intermittent, meaning they’re not always available when needed. Energy storage can help to even out these fluctuations, making renewables a more reliable and consistent source of power. One of the largest energy storage projects in the world is currently being completed in Dalian, China.

The Dalian Flow Battery Energy Storage Peak-shaving Power Station will have a capacity of 100 megawatts/400 megawatt-hours, making it one of the largest storage facilities in terms of both power and capacity. The project is due to be completed in mid-October and will play an important role in helping China meet its climate goals.

The Dalian Power Station, which is based on vanadium flow battery technology developed by the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), will serve as the city’s power bank while helping Dalian make use of renewable energy – such as wind and solar energy. The Power Station will convert electrical energy into battery-stored chemical energy and back into electrical energy, providing a reliable source of power for the city.

The power station plans to meet the daily electricity demand of about 200,000 residents. Looking ahead the aim is for these numbers to increase as the power station eventually produces 200 megawatts/800 megawatt-hours of electricity. The Power Station is an important step in Dalian’s transition to a clean energy future, and it is hoped that it will help to make the city a model for others in China and around the world.

The roll-out of renewables is gathering pace and with that roll-out comes innovation in energy storage. Springwise has recently spotted innovations such as a thermal energy storage system and a new system that stores energy in the form of heat and compressed air.  

Written By: Katrina Lane


Finnish “sand battery” offers solution for renewable energy storage
CategoriesSustainable News

Finnish “sand battery” offers solution for renewable energy storage

Finnish companies Polar Night Energy and Vatajankoski have built the world’s first operational “sand battery”, which provides a low-cost and low-emissions way to store renewable energy.

The battery, which stores heat within a tank of sand, is installed at energy company Vatajankoski’s power plant in the town of Kankaanpää, where it is plugged into the local district heating network, servicing around 10,000 people.

The company behind the technology, Polar Night Energy, says it helps to solve one of the key obstacles in the transition to full renewable energy: how to store it for use during times when the sun isn’t shining or wind isn’t blowing, and particularly for use in the wintertime when demand is high.

Steel tank making up the Polar Night Energy sand battery in Finland
The Kankaanpää “sand battery” holds 100 tonnes of hot sand

“Solar and wind power is basically already really competitive in terms of energy price per produced energy unit,” Polar Night Energy co-founder and chief technology officer Markku Ylönen told Dezeen.

“The only problem with them is that you can’t really choose when it’s produced.”

He said that while lithium batteries are well suited for vehicles, “if we’re talking about gigawatt hours or terawatt hours of excess electricity, it’s not technically feasible to try to cover that with lithium batteries, and also the costs will be immense”.

“Even even if we dug out all the lithium in the world, we couldn’t build batteries big enough to accommodate all the fluctuation in renewable energy production,” Ylönen added.

Diagram showing excess energy from a wind turbine, tidal turbine and solar panel being stored as heat and sent to homes as heat for consumption
The battery stores excess renewable energy as heat that can later be sent to homes and businesses

Polar Night Energy’s sand battery stores heat for use weeks or even months later. It works by converting the captured renewable electricity into hot air by using an industrial version of a standard resistive heating element, then directing the hot air into the sand.

The heat transfers from the air to the sand, which ends up at temperatures of around 500 to 600 degrees Celsius and retains that heat well. To unlock it for use, the process is reversed and the hot air funnelled into a heating system used for homes or industry.

According to Ylönen, the process is low-cost – sand is inexpensive so the main costs are related to equipment and construction of the steel storage tank.

It is also low-impact, with the only substantial greenhouse gas emissions being embodied emissions from construction and the transport of sand, which should come from a location close to the battery site.

And although there is a sand shortage related to the material’s use in concrete and glass, Ylönen says the battery does not require this kind of fine-grain, high-quality sand.

Instead, they can use sand rejected by the construction industry, or even alternative “sand-like materials”, of which Polar Night Energy already has several contenders.

Excess sand from the building of the sand battery in Kankaanpää
The battery can be made with any type of sand from any location

The Kankaanpää battery is four metres in diameter, seven metres high and contains 100 tonnes of sand, but Polar Night Energy envisions future batteries being 20 metres across and 10 metres high.

This should give the battery one gigawatt hour of storage capacity, which is equivalent to one million kilowatt hours (kWh). The average UK home uses 1,000 kWh of gas and 240 kWh of electricity per month.

Several sand batteries of a standardised size could be placed around larger cities to service larger populations.

The sand battery would most likely only be used to provide heat and not electricity due to the inefficiency of the conversion process, but according to Ylönen, the world’s heating needs are great enough to justify having separate storage systems.

“The heating sector is something like one quarter or one third of the emissions of the world,” said Ylönen. “Along with the transportation and food industries, it’s among the largest sectors in terms of global warming.”

The urgency of transitioning to renewable energy has increased with the Ukraine war, which has led to spiralling energy costs and has revealed Europe’s dependence on Russian oil and gas.

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Affordable new electric boat uses only one battery
CategoriesSustainable News

Affordable new electric boat uses only one battery

Spotted: Swedish electric boat company X Shore recently introduced its latest model, a slightly smaller boat designed to be more affordable for everyday use. Named the X Shore 1, the boat is completely silent and requires less than an hour of charging on a superfast connection. It is six and a half metres long and comes in two designs – a fully open version and one that can be enclosed.  

The boat’s top speed is 30 knots with a cruising speed of 20 knots. Cork replaces the traditional teak on the decking, and a moveable sunbed and chairs allows riders to choose to face forward or back. A single charge can take the boat up to 50 nautical miles, and there is enough interior space for four to sleep. There is also room for food storage and a portable toilet.

Chargers located at many docks can refill the single battery in around three hours, and the app-based technology to run the boat helps make it difficult to steal. Owners use their connected device as a remote key, and an onboard touchscreen syncs with the app to provide real-time data from any location.

The types of electric vehicles available are increasing, with Springwise spotting rickshaws and camper vans bringing renewable power to transport.

Written by: Keely Khoury

Email: info@xshore.com

Website: xshore.com


A safer, greener, and cheaper battery
CategoriesSustainable News

A safer, greener, and cheaper battery

Spotted: Electrification of day-to-day activities, such as transport and heating, is essential if the world is to transition away from its reliance on fossil fuels. But as new electrified technologies come online, the overall demand for electricity is set to sky-rocket. According to German startup So-Cer, electrification of mobility will triple the demand for electricity, while electrification of heating will triple it. And as variable renewables are added to the energy mix, there is an increasing need for smart energy storage solutions that balance supply and demand.

So-Cer has developed a reliable and affordable battery that can help to address both the rapidly growing demand for electricity and the addition of renewables – a situation the company refers to as the ‘energy balance challenge’.

Using only locally sourceable raw materials and base components, the brand aims to reach a lifetime storage cost of less than one cent per kilowatt-hour of storage. This would make the So-Cer Battery the most cost-effective option on the market, and the go-to choice for homeowners and businesses alike.

One of the key issues with many current battery solutions is their reliance on materials—notably lithium and cobalt—that are extracted using environmentally harmful processes and are only available in certain regions of the world. By contrast, the So-Cer cell leverages cutting-edge battery technology that does not require lithium or cobalt. Instead, it uses salt, water, carbon, nickel, stainless steel, and alumina – all of which are globally abundant resources. This makes the So-Cer cell an attractive option for reducing international procurement dependencies.

In addition, the company claims that it is the safest of its kind on the market, being non-combustible and non-explosive with no degassing, no thermal runaway, and no conduction.

The cell’s power rating is comparable to that of current lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries and is being marketed for stationary applications because of its chemical properties. 

Other recent battery-related innovations spotted by Springwise include a modular lithium extraction plant, sodium-ion batteries for remote communities, and a company turning used electric vehicle batteries into home energy storage systems.

Written By: Katrina Lane

Email: info@so-cer.com

Website: so-cer.com
