10 interiors by Corcoran School of the Arts and Design undergrad students
CategoriesInterior Design

10 interiors by Corcoran School of the Arts and Design undergrad students

A clothing store that imitates an art gallery and an animal hostel designed to increase adoption rates are among the interiors projects presented by undergraduate students at the Corcoran School of the Arts and Design in our latest school show.

Other designs include an indoor park, a meditation space that uses the play between shadow and light to encourage meditative moments, and a micro-hotel designed to connect visitors with Colorado’s mountainous environment.

The projects are from students on the Interior Architecture BFA course at the Corcoran School of the Arts and Design at The George Washington University in Washington, DC, USA.

School: Corcoran School of the Arts and Design at George Washington University
Course: Interior Architecture BFA
Email: ciarc@gwu.edu

School statement:

“The undergraduate Interior Architecture (BFA) programme at the George Washington University’s Corcoran School of the Arts and Design in Washington, DC, offers students a unique opportunity to study, learn and create within a creative environment at a major research university.

“Our programme is the only Council for Interior Design Accreditation-accredited programme within DC and one of 10 interior programmes located at universities that rank in the top 70 of US News and World Report’s list of national research universities.

“Through our studio-based curriculum – the core of our programme – students learn to design three-dimensional environments through the use of dynamic concepts, cutting-edge materials, and innovative methods and techniques.”

Altitude Micro Hotel by Sophia DeNezza

“Altitude Micro Hotel is a luxury ski-in, ski-out boutique micro-hotel. It is designed to create a luxurious yet practical vacation experience while connecting the interior spaces with the resort’s mountainous environment.

“Altitude will provide a comfortable stay away from the typical touristy resorts and will give guests a chance to unwind through the many accessible amenities on-site. The design revolves around the concept of altitude, which reflects the Colorado landscape and the feeling of movement while skiing.

“By utilizing the site’s existing architecture and creating a contemporary, conceptual and practical design, Altitude Micro Hotel is designed to provide guests with a luxurious and unforgettable experience.”

Student: Sophia DeNezza
Advisor: Karen Gioconda
Course: Studio 5 – undergraduate
Email: sophia.denezza@gmail.com

George Washington University

Clash by Victoria Gogick

“With fast-fashion retail stores having a hold on many people’s shopping habits, in recent years the world has seen soaring amounts of textile waste generated. Clash aims to break these bad habits and offers a limited selection of curated clothing pieces that behave in the store like art does in a gallery.

“The process of creating garments is an art form. Clash aims to showcase each piece, emphasising the clothing’s construction and quality, aiming to spark conversations about consumer overconsumption through the store’s design.”

Student: Victoria Gogick
Karen Gioconda
Studio 5 – undergraduate

George Washington University

Ikhaya Women’s Shelter by Alexa Greig

“The Ikhaya Women’s Shelter provides a place of refuge and a support system for women and their children escaping domestic violence. The shelter aims to create an inclusive community by using an indoor/outdoor canopy that intersects with all of the 13 buildings on-site.

“The outdoor canopy provides a sense of connection between the buildings and partial shade from the hot South African sun, while the indoor canopies influence the layout and flow of the interiors.”

Student: Alexa Greig
Kristin Carleton
Studio 5 – undergraduate

George Washington University

Luna Meditation Hall by Jana Khalil

“Luna Meditation Hall is dedicated to creating an environment where people can come for an energetic reset. The hall is made up of a meditation hall, private meditation enclaves and classrooms. It is designed to encourage people to turn inward, either alone,  in connection with others or with guidance.

“The project takes reference from phases of the moon. The space focuses on layering and the play between light and shadow to reflect the journey inward during meditative moments.”

Student: Jana Khalil
Kristin Carleton
Studio 5 – undergraduate

George Washington University

Movie Theatre and Film History Museum by Caitlin MacGregor

“The Movie Theatre and Film History Museum is designed for people to see parts of film history in the museum while also viewing new movies that could be a part of that same history someday.

“The site for the project is the Car Barn in Georgetown, D.C. The aperture of a movie camera inspired the main concept. The theatres are tucked away from sunlight, like film in the exposure compartment of a camera. But they are lit up by the screens inside the theatre, similar to film when exposed to light coming through the aperture of a camera.”

Student: Caitlin MacGregor
Studio 5 – undergraduate

George Washington University

Farm Stay by Salli Mandel

“Farm Stay promotes slow food through an immersive retreat in Middleburg, Virginia. Guests learn sustainable farming practices and follow the path of produce from planting to cooking to eating. The life cycle starts in the main house, where cosy guest rooms cradle visitors as they begin their journey.

“Just as a plant grows into a seedling, the garage promotes growth and provides an opportunity for visitors to soak up new ideas. Finally, when the plant is fully grown and harvested, the guests dine at the restaurant and enjoy the feast. The life cycle continues when guests sow the seeds of knowledge with others.”

Student: Salli Mandel
Karen Gioconda
Studio 5 – undergraduate

George Washington University

Books and Beyond by Sibyl Frances Natad

“Books and Beyond is designed for learning, socialization and a sense of community. The design is a dual concept of a bookstore, café and bar. The programme includes a writing centre for aspiring authors, a space for gatherings, and a communal work area.

“During the digital age, when information is easily accessible through the tap of a finger and people have a rapid lifestyle, it is fitting to create a space that is meant for an individual to slow down and enjoy perusing books leisurely. Books and Beyond is the best place to immerse oneself in literature and connect with others with a similar interest.”

Student: Sibyl Frances Natad
Kristin Carleton
Studio 5 – undergraduate
Email: sibylfrances29@gwu.edu  

George Washington University

RE.turn: End of Life Centre by Grace Poillucci

“RE.turn aims to utilize design to initiate cultural change around death. It looks to develop an experience that allows mourners to grieve in the ways best for them, erasing the standard of a quick ceremony and moving toward a multi-day process of renewal.

“By providing the facilities for an extended stay, RE.turn creates an environment in which friends and family can gather, grieve, and extol life. It looks to answer: What power does architecture have to initiate mass culture change? Does design have the ability to diminish the long-standing stigma around death and mourning in the United States?”

Student: Grace Poillucci
Karen Gioconda
Studio 5 – undergraduate

George Washington University

14th & U Street by Morgan Richmeier

“Inspired by DC’s impressive array of parks and lively street culture, 14th & U Street is a public indoor park. With bike parking, short-term lockers, restrooms, and various fixed and unfixed seats, the indoor park caters to the heavy pedestrian and cyclist traffic.

“On the first floor, the resource area situates users and directs them to the functional programme. Connected through an atrium space, the second floor doubles as a reservable community space and social seating floor. Finally, the third floor is the most removed from the energy of the streetscape, featuring tranquil plant life and patio seating.”

Student: Morgan Richmeier
Karen Gioconda
Studio 5 – undergraduate

George Washington University

The Animal Hostel by Alaina Willard

“The Animal Hostel is a shelter focused on helping improve adoption rates by providing a safe, wellness-focused environment designed to enhance connections between the community, individuals, shelter staff and animals.

“Through the concept of unity, Animal Hostel incorporates interior and exterior design elements that encourage natural interaction between pet and potential owner and establish a connection to the neighbourhood, generating a positive outlet for residents, business owners and consumers.

“A central glass core unites the building’s verticality, providing natural light that is critical to the wellbeing of the animals and evoking a feeling of openness, freedom and transparency.”

Student: Alaina Willard
Kristin Carleton
Studio 5 – undergraduate

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and the Corcoran School of the Arts & Design at the George Washington University. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.


Ten interiors by Corcoran School of the Arts and Design masters students
CategoriesInterior Design

Ten interiors by Corcoran School of the Arts and Design masters students

In this school show, masters students at the Corcoran School of the Arts and Design present interiors projects including a comforting dental office and a retail experience that encourages people to repurpose old clothes.

The projects are from students on the Interior Architecture MFA course at the Corcoran School of the Arts and Design at The George Washington University in Washington, DC, USA.

School: Corcoran School of the Arts & Design at The George Washington University
Course: Interior Architecture MFA
Email: ciarc@gwu.edu

School statement:

“The Interior Architecture Master of Fine Arts (MFA) at the George Washington University’s Corcoran School of the Arts & Design in Washington, DC, is the only Council for Interior Design Accreditation-accredited programme in the United States’ capital.

“It is designed for students who pursued a bachelor’s degree in a field other than interior design, interior architecture or architecture and are looking to follow a studio-based curriculum that will teach various aspects of interior design, theories and technicalities. We believe in fostering a community that encourages creativity and pushes the boundaries of design with an emphasis on conceptual thinking and the design process.”

George Washington University

ADHD Childcare and Community Centre by Edewede Akpesiri-Odia

“Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD, often have difficulties with hyperactivity and self-control. This project aims to create order and organized activities for children with ADHD while also offering fun and wellness benefits.

“The existing building is located in a dense residential area of Arlington, Virginia. Within the building shell, a grid enables order and structure. Each programme block will have activities shifting the grid, creating movement and fluidity while maintaining its volume. Activities will encourage and strengthen neural networks in the brain and enable kids with ADHD to practise self-control.”

Student: Edewede Akpesiri-Odia
Advisor: Christina Filipescu
Studio 5 – graduate

George Washington University

Remembrance Crematorium by Yi-Chen Chang

“Distinctive cultural responses to death inform how we process loss. Mourning rituals reflect the nature of the relationship with the deceased. As the solid stick fades to smoke, we connect to the sacred. We are reminded of the fragility of life and the importance of seizing the day.

“In this project, ruins of the McKinney homestead in Austin become a focal point for a crematorium complex. The symbolic omnipresence of death encourages us to cherish life and live deeply. References to death, burial, permanence/impermanence and the eternal are captured throughout the sequence of spaces providing quietude for reflection.”

Student: Yi-Chen Chang
Advisor: Christina Filipescu
Studio 5 – graduate
Email: changyichen@gwu.edu

George Washington University

U.commons: A physical place for virtual learning by Aileen Kim

“With higher education leaning deeper into digital technologies, academic satellite sites can serve commuting and online students by providing practical resources and social support, leading to student success and equity.

“The interplay of physical and virtual realities is explored through the overlap, where the context of one reality may be expressed more dominantly over the other. At times, the overlap is a threshold, encouraging users to become aware of moving in and out of spaces designed for digi-centric or physi-centric programming. These portals guide inhabitants through areas for individual focused work to spaces for collaboration and social connection.”

Student: Aileen Kim
Advisor: Christina Filipescu
Studio 5 – graduate

George Washington

Suzuki School of Music, NYC by Taylor Oosting

“Classical music education for K-12 students comes with proven developmental benefits, but unfortunately, arts education is often among the first programmes cut from a public school’s budget. This project envisions an after-school Suzuki Education Center for strings. It aims to bring accessible music education to urban communities and lower entry barriers to classical music education and enjoyment.

“Located in one of the most diverse communities in the nation, a New York City borough, this project serves as a blueprint for future accessible music institutions. Conceptually, the project is based on the practice of Kintsugi, a Japanese method of repairing broken pottery by mending the broken areas or reattaching cracked pieces with gold lacquer, embracing the damage as an opportunity to find beauty in the imperfections.”

Student: Taylor Oosting
Christina Filipescu
Studio 5 – graduate

George Washington University

Peirce Mill: A Celebration of Food and Community by Brynn Jacoby Orban

“The Peirce Mill is a food-focused wellness centre featuring a garden-to-table restaurant, cooking classes, and a health and wellness coaching clinic. These facilities strive to celebrate food as a resource that nourishes the body and brings the community together.

“Inspired by the transformative process of grain’s movement through a mill, the site plan and architecture of the mill will highlight spaces of learning. With the use of the existing grids of the historic mill and barn, situated askew from each other in their idyllic forested, creekside setting, a shifted grid will be employed to highlight these transformative spaces of growth.”

Student: Brynn Jacoby Orban
Christina Filipescu
Studio 5 – graduate

George Washington University

The Steady Beat Recording Studio by Hannah Shafer

“In music production and recording, women are often hindered by pay gaps, with limited mentorship and promotions opportunities while also confined to certain genres. The Steady Beat is a recording studio and artist social club in Washington DC designed with these limitations in mind – a space supportive of female excellence and collaboration.

“Inspired by sound waves, the space features undulating brass rods – a nod to musical instruments of the same material. As users cross the threshold where the historic building was once split into two, the waves become increasingly dynamic and the spaces more collaborative and creative.”

Student: Hannah Shafer
Christina Filipescu
Studio 5 – graduate

George Washington

Dental Office by Vanessa Spencer

“It is estimated that 61 per cent of people have dentophobia, or fear of dentists, worldwide. This fear usually generates from past negative experiences or oral health concerns. To promote wellbeing, this project mimics nature’s process of protecting.

“A dental office is designed to bring comfort and a feeling of protection to the user by creating forms that are wrapped barriers of protection. These protected areas wrap around the spaces where the user might feel the most vulnerable. Biophilic tools are used throughout the design to connect the user with nature during their visit.”

Student: Vanessa Spencer
Christina Filipescu
Studio 5 – graduate

George Washington University

Upcycling Retail Experience Store by Mengjiao Wang

“The fashion industry is the second-largest polluter in the world. Textile production requires significant natural resources, and the decomposition process produces greenhouse gas and leaches toxic chemicals into groundwater and soil.

“This project aims to increase people’s attention to this urgent environmental problem and to encourage people to participate in the process of upcycling clothing. Here, the old garments can be reinvented and start their new life. Drawing ideas from using ‘entropy increase’ to express the flow of time, the store will show the clothing’s journey and provide opportunities for customers to visit and join in.”

Student: Mengjiao Wang
Christina Filipescu
Studio 5 – graduate

George Washington University

Education Co-op by Aidan Young

“In the current education system, undue emphasis is placed on academic content and standardized testing, leaving teachers with a substantial burden that consumes their mental bandwidth.

“To address the issue and to work toward a solution, this education centre will focus on one main reason students report dropping out of high school: a lack of positive peer and mentor relationships. The Education Co-op will provide students educational support in a space that cultivates and celebrates warmth and connection.”

Student: Aidan Young
Christina Filipescu
Studio 5 – graduate

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and the Corcoran School of the Arts and Design. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.
