Mid-closeup of electric fireplace shows no-pollution "coals and flames" - photo
CategoriesSustainable News Zero Energy Homes

Decarbonize Your Hearth with an Electric Fireplace

Humans have a primal attraction to a crackling flame and the ambience of a cozy fireplace. Architect Frank Lloyd Wright called the hearth the “the psychological center of the home,” and designed all his residences around a central fireplace.

For the majority of humans who now live in urban areas, a traditional wood-burning fireplace is not a practical or healthy option (for reasons we explain below). This reality has made gas fireplaces popular because they pair the beauty of fire with the convenience of a switch and without the hassle of chopping wood and lighting a flame. But because elimination of gas is a fundamental tenet of decarbonized living, and we all love a cozy fire, we need alternative decarbonized hearth options. Enter the electric fireplace.

The State of American Fireplaces

First, a little context on the hearths in American homes. Many new homes in the US have a fireplace, yet the traditional wood-burning one is disappearing. New homes with fireplaces of any kind declined by almost two-thirds from 1978 to 2017, possibly because fireplaces are plagued with problems like heat loss through the chimney, indoor air pollution, and risk of fire spreading. However, according to the National Association of Home Builders’ What Home Buyers Really Want, 55% and 48% of home buyers rate gas- and wood-burning fireplaces, respectively, as desirable or essential, and this share has been increasing since 2003.

Why Fireplaces Matter

Research consistently finds that traditional wood-burning and gas stoves are bad for indoor and outdoor air quality and create serious issues for human health and the environment. Burning wood releases harmful gas and particulate matter that leads to respiratory issues for people living in the home and around it. It’s one of the biggest sources of air pollution in the county where we live. Natural gas also pollutes indoors through combustion and leaks and releases significant outdoor pollution, including NOx and carbon dioxide. Air quality districts in California are beginning to phase out any natural gas combustion in the home because the air pollution exceeds that of gas power plants. Other countries have similar issues. In the UK, for example, fireplaces and stoves are now the largest single source of primary particle pollution, greater than traffic and industry!

Fortunately there is a great way to create a clean, healthy, low-carbon ambience with the feel of old school flames: the electric fireplace is the future home hearth. Because electricity is getting dramatically cleaner every year, with the rise of renewables and the demise of coal, electric fireplaces offer a cozy vibe without any of the negative health or environmental impacts.

Until recently, fireplaces were synonymous with combustion, and the words “electricity” and “fire” were rarely paired together in a positive way. When we think of electric heat, many of us imagine the glowing red, inefficient electric resistance coils that are hardly associated with a comforting fireplace. But like so many new, clean electric home technologies, the electric fireplace has undergone rapid, and appealing, changes over the past 10 years.

Mid-closeup of electric fireplace shows no-pollution "coals and flames" - photo

Benefits of Electric Fireplaces

The electric fireplace is a radically improved, often overlooked technology that has a lot going for it:

  • Ambience: You may be surprised to know that electric fireplaces can provide a great-looking flame. Thanks to LEDs and a mirror element that rolls and reflects light, many electric flames look pretty realistic. You can enjoy them around the clock and any time of year because most models allow you to use the flame without the heat. Some models offer an option to change the color below the flame, which is our kids’ favorite party trick. Some varieties come with a material that sits in front of or below the flame to anchor it like a real fire. Since there’s not a real flame, you can use whatever material you want, including wood or stone to give it a natural look.
  • Safety: Unlike combustion fireplaces, the electric varieties have no risk from open flames or sparks that could lead to an uncontrolled fire. They are cool to the touch, making them great for homes with kids and pets. They safely operate near other appliances, including below TVs, which is a common set up.
  • Cost: Electric fireplaces are, by far, the most inexpensive type of fireplace to buy and install. The unit itself averages $1000, but you can find models as low as $200, compared to $1500 to $3500 for a gas fireplace insert. They are also much cheaper to install than gas or wood stoves, which typically run $2,000 to $10,000, because they require no outdoor venting or permitting. They simply plug into an outlet.
  • Improved Air Quality and Health: As discussed above, burning wood and gas creates significant amounts of indoor and outdoor air pollution. 
  • Carbon-Free: Of course, for us, committed to decarbonizing our lives, the number one benefit is the ability to remove natural gas from your home and run a fireplace on clean, emissions-free electricity.

Our Electric Hearth

Our 1987 ranch home didn’t have any kind of fireplace when we bought it in 2012. In 2015 we moved a pellet stove from our former house into an addition we built (we’ll cover the pros and cons of pellet stoves in a future article). In 2020, after hunkering down at home during the peak of the pandemic, we decided to invest in some home hygge and create a hearth to define our main living area, hide an unsightly electrical panel, and provide some storage. This simple, affordable project improved our home’s beauty, functionality, and carbon impact.

After much online research, we went to a local Portland electric fireplace store to check out the electric flames in person. We opted for a Dimplex because of the size (20 by 34 inches), which was the right proportion for our design, and realistic flame. We designed a hearth, mantle, and built-in cabinets and hired a local handy-person to put it all together over a long weekend when we were out of town.

The fireplace unit cost $700 and we spent close to $2500 on labor, lumber, drywall, and minor electrical work to build the hearth. This cost includes the plywood cabinets on either side.

The fireplace wonderfully defines our living room, which previously felt a bit anchorless in our open plan living area. It also provides heat, though we don’t turn on the heating element very often because it’s electric resistance, and our ductless heat pump is on the same wall. It came with unappealing plastic jewel-like rocks that sit on an interior shelf below the flame, and we replaced them with real rocks from the Oregon coast.

Options for Your Electric Hearth

While we went for the built-in model because of our other project goals, there are lots of options for standalone electric fireplaces. Our product selection was based on the dimensions that best fit our design and had the most realistic looking flame. Depending on your goals, and the configuration of your home, you may consider one of the following:

  • Wall mounted can be hung right on your wall, like a piece of art or flat-screen TV.
  • Built-ins fit into a custom structure so they are flush with the wall, like our fireplace.
  • Inserts are well suited for homes with existing wood burning fireplaces and can sit in the existing opening.
  • Standalone models allow you to plug a fireplace into any outlet and create great ambience in any room. A great option for renters.
  • Water Vapor is even an option! These can be filled manually or connected to a water line to create vapor resembling smoke.

While you can find electric fireplaces that cost thousands of dollars (typically the long narrow, built-in variety), all of the models shown here are only a few hundred.

For more on electric fireplaces, check out this fireplace guide from Modern Blaze and this Electrify Now video.

This article is part of a series by Naomi Cole and Joe Wachunas, first published in CleanTechnica. Through “Decarbonize Your Life,” they share their experience, lessons learned, and recommendations for how to reduce household emissions, building a decarbonization roadmap for individuals.

The authors:

Joe Wachunas and Naomi Cole both work professionally to address climate change—Naomi in urban sustainability and energy efficiency and Joe in the electrification of buildings and transportation. A passion for debarbonization, and their commitment to walk the walk, has led them to ductless heat pumps, heat pump water heaters, induction cooking, solar in multiple forms, hang-drying laundry (including cloth diapers), no cars to electric cars and charging without a garage or driveway, a reforestation grant from the US Department of Agriculture, and more. They live in Portland, OR, with two young children.


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closeup of solar panel on solar farm with bright sun and rays encircling; solar can decarbonize the grid - Photo
CategoriesSustainable News Zero Energy Homes

Decarbonize Your Home to Support a Greener Grid

Solar supply and residents’ demand

California already has a great deal of solar electricity being generated, both on buildings and in large-scale solar farms. For example, years of Prop 39 projects for school districts around California have been completed, installing megawatts of solar farms on campuses. These sites were targeted, in part, due to lower summer occupancies, and net metering rules allowed them to reap large financial benefits. Most of these campuses are net exporters of clean renewable energy all summer long. Every day, the managers of the electrical grid must stabilize local electric networks to share this abundant load throughout the day, and quickly ramp up centralized power once the sun goes down and folks head home.

As more all-electric buildings and homes come online, it is important to look at the impacts of these buildings on grid health. The grid must continue to be updated to guard against solar saturation: where solar generation exceeds the total usage in a given area. The grid is managed by local utilities and state agencies, and this balance of supply and demand drives time-of-day pricing that encourages responsible usage.

Energy industry experts point to what is known as the “duck curve,” the risk of over-generation of renewable energy (especially solar) and the impact of having to ramp up energy production (most often these are natural gas plants) to respond to rising demand when the sun goes down. In the belly of the duck (the middle of the day), solar production is peaking and electricity sells at a loss. Yes, California is paying other Western states to take solar energy off their grid. This lets baseload generation systems like nuclear, hydroelectric, and some natural gas plants run constantly, as they cannot easily, or cost-effectively, shut down and then come back on daily.


Graphic show three strategies to decarbonize your home
CategoriesSustainable News Zero Energy Homes

7 Simple Steps to Decarbonize Your Home

By Peter Dull

With carbon emissions reaching an all-time high, it is important to discuss how we, as a global community, can minimize the carbon load of our buildings. As of March 29th of 2019, we surpassed over 410 ppm (parts per million) of carbon dioxide (CO2) in our atmosphere. To put this into perspective, our sea levels have risen between 0.1 to 0.13 inches per year; and our global temperature rises 2 to 3 degrees Celsius yearly because of carbon emissions. These astronomical figures are the necessary wake-up calls we need in order to help meet the goals of the Paris Agreement*.

*The Paris Agreement is a worldwide initiative that calls for action on the threat of climate change. The agreement consists of two parts: decrease the global temperature by 1.5 degrees Celsius yearly and increase access for countries that require resources (i.e. technology and finance).

What is Decarbonization?

Decarbonizing our homes is one of many ways we can be more conscious of our current lifestyles. Decarbonization refers to the removal of carbon from the environment. In the case of housing, homeowners can reduce energy use and reliance on fossil fuels (i.e. gas furnaces), and choose building materials that require either low amounts of carbon emissions to manufacture and transport, or actively sequestrate carbon by storing carbon that is drawn from the atmosphere. We will address why you should consider your energy and material uses, and how you can develop a carbon-neutral home.

How Can You Decarbonize Your Home?Graphic show three strategies to decarbonize your home


Energy Efficiency

When considering how to decarbonize your living space, first think of this in terms of the amount of energy (and carbon) being used. You can reduce your carbon load by losing less energy to leakage, making use of passive heating and cooling, and upgrading the efficiency of your appliances.

Insulate and Eliminate Air Leaks

As Katrin Klingenberg, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Passive House Institute US, says “The greenest energy is the energy we don’t use at all.” A well insulated house which is extremely airtight has an oversized impact on the heating and cooling needs and therefore reduces carbon emissions. If you go for a Passive House standard, you can see overall energy savings as much as 90% on space heating. Innovative new products such as Havelock wool insulation and Aerobarrier have envelope sealing technology that make this easier and more cost effective than ever before.

High-Performance Windows & Doors 

You may ask yourself “aren’t all windows and doors created the same?” While this may sound realistic, there are advantages when you invest time researching these products. Not only can you allow natural ventilation in your home, you also can have a virtually airtight seal when closed.

Natural Lighting and Passive Solar

Using skylights and repositioning your windows at home are some savvy ways to change-up your home. Skylights and windows reduce the need for artificial lighting and rely on more beneficial, natural lighting to lighten up the aesthetics in your home. By repositioning your windows to face southward, your home can be protected with overhangs to protect against the high summer sun and be aligned with the recently-trending design of Passive solar. If you are looking to buy supplies that reduce your sunlight intake, buy some awnings and window shutters to make that possible.

Efficient Lighting and Appliances

Your electric load can be greatly reduced by using LED lighting in your home.

Always look for Energy Star appliances that are certified to use less energy to get the job done.

Intelligence Controlled

As a quick reminder, always remember that when you are not using something, turn it off or close it off! As simple as it sounds, many homeowners seem to forget, resulting in a utility bill higher than their expected value.

Now that we are immersed in the “digital age,” it is easier than ever to control your home through your smartphone and/or virtual home assistants. This type of intelligence can save you money as you can monitor and control your usage from virtually anywhere to reduce energy use. Some innovative products include airtouch and switchmate.

Renewable Energy

Currently, the average American household produces 7.5 tons of carbon dioxide per year. By switching to renewable power sources, homeowners not only save money on their utility bills, but can reduce their carbon footprint. Keeping additional carbon out of the atmosphere takes us closer to meeting goals that correlate to sustainable living.

What does it mean to have “cleaner energy” on the grid?

Expanding your grid is like adding colors to a painter’s palette. As you discover new ways to diversify your power sources, you have more options to work with and it can be easier to construct a house through a variety of styles and sources. By incorporating appliances and innovations that rely on and produce renewable energy, you decrease your carbon output and help reduce the amount of “bad energy” that’s being utilized. In addition, you can install battery storage that helps bridge the gap between times of excess energy generation during the day and times of lower renewable production.


The most well-known renewable energy solution homeowners are investing in is solar energy. Solar panels, either placed on their roofs and/or walls, are helpful for homeowners in locations where the sun is apparent throughout the year. Solar photovoltaics (or PV for short) increase your grid security and are a very economical source of energy.

The SunPower Equinox system, for example, offers innovation at every level, from its Maxeon solar cell technology to each panel’s individual microinverter to the SunPower SunVault battery. The latter allows the solar panels to remain powered for longer even in times of power outages and shade.


As much as the term “wind turbine” sounds daunting, there is nothing to be scared of! If you have a large plot of unused land, consider installing a small turbine. These windmill-like structures generate energy through the rotation of their propellers and then transfer that energy to an electricity grid for use. With an average payback of fewer than 13 years (machines last 20+ years), this is a smart investment in the long-run.


Geothermal energy can be an option to provide heating, cooling, and hot water for the home. Although there might not be any volcanoes near your home, modern heat pump technology becomes handy when warming your living space. These systems take advantage of the relatively constant temperatures below ground to transfer heat and apply cooling properties where they are needed. Even though this system may be costly up front, they are a great carbon-neutral option for your home’s operation – even Alphabet is getting in on the action with their spin out Dandelion.

bright metal pot (double with lid) on flat black industion cooktop surrounded by white couterntop and walls of kitchen

Going All-Electric

As your home’s grid takes in more renewable sources, it makes sense for homeowners to switch to all-electric appliances and systems. Modern high-efficiency electric systems such as heat pump water heaters and induction cooktops are more effective and efficient than their gas counterparts – it is all win and no loss. Now that you can cook with an upgraded system, your stoves reduce the output of CO2 to zero and you and your family can keep warm without the worries of fossil fuel. As a bonus, you can also invest in transportation that is dependent on electricity, like hybrid cars and your local train system.


So far, we have been discussion “operational carbon”. The carbon emissions that are generated in order to run your home.

You should also consider “embodied carbon”. This is the carbon that was used to create, extract, fabricate, and transport the materials to your site.

When selecting materials for your build or renovation, you can ask yourself some basic questions:

  • Is this manufactured and transported in a low carbon manner?
  • Does this store (sequester) carbon in my home by using materials which pulled carbon out of the air?

If any of your answers are yes, then congrats – you are on your way to decarbonizing your home. When you consult with a local construction firm, keep in mind not only the structure of your ideal home, but how different sustainable materials can save you energy and money. You can explore certifications such as the LEED or the Living Building Challenge. You can find information on your product choices through online resources such as the Carbon Smart Materials Palette.

Low-Embodied Carbon Materials

CO2 emissions, which are used to manufacture and transport a material, are referred to as the ’embodied carbon’ of that product. Between 2020 and 2050, it is expected that embodied carbon will be responsible for almost half of total new construction emissions. So how can we work as homeowners to reduce carbon in our materials? Just keep on scrolling down!

Renovate and Reuse

When undertaking a new project, it is almost always more carbon efficient to renovate instead of demolishing and building anew. If you are taking out an existing structure, look for opportunities to donate and reuse building materials instead of sending them to a landfill. By using reclaimed materials for your project, this will result in a net-zero carbon product and will take less labor to start something new.

Avoid Carbon Intensive Materials

With the continued push towards transparency, it is becoming easier to understand the carbon footprint of materials. Databases such as the Inventory of Carbon and Energy provide critical insights that allow homeowners to better comprehend what they are installing for their home. Some carbon-intensive materials (i.e. concrete) can be produced using materials which are waste (such as fly-ash) and other materials (i.e. cork) that are naturally low-carbon or even no-net-carbon.

Consider Materials that Sequester Carbon

If your project uses materials that pull carbon out of the air, aka materials that are natural and undergo photosynthesis, then those materials can be said to sequester carbon in your home. When constructing your home, it is important to consider the longevity of your building and how carbon can be drawn from the air and be safely stored in your home. By supporting sustainable forestry practices in your choices, you will contribute to carbon drawdown and the overall green movement.

New products such as cross-laminated timber (CLT) allow wood to replace steel and concrete for many structural applications.

For your consideration

Thanks to programs such as the Technology and Equipment for Clean Heating (TECH) and Building Initiative for Low Emissions Development (BUILD), which are both found in California, sustainable living can be a reality for homeowners. These complementary, statewide initiatives facilitate easier access to water and heating equipment at a lower cost and require residential and commercial buildings to cut their carbon emissions by 2040.

Search online to see if your state has tax incentives and rebates to make your greener housing dreams possible.

See how easy this was? Watch as your home becomes more energy efficient by incorporating practices of renewable energy from your own system or the grid. Just as a reminder, you should select products and materials that were created via efficient use of carbon and consider opportunities that store atmospheric carbon with materials within your home. Good luck and happy building!
