Electronic yarn woven into sportswear measures exhaustion levels
CategoriesSustainable News

Electronic yarn woven into sportswear measures exhaustion levels

Spotted: According to a survey conducted by the European Commission, 38 per cent of people exercise or play sport once a week. Of course, exercise is great for physical and mental wellbeing, but pushing ourselves too far during a workout is easy, and this over-exertion can make people more prone to injury. 

This is why researchers at ETH Zurich have developed an electronic yarn that can carefully measure how a person’s body moves. The textile sensor, which is integrated directly into close-fitting sportswear or work clothing, can predict and detect the wearer’s exhaustion levels. 

Video source ETH Zürich

The new sensor reveals when you have reached your physical limits during exercise and when you should take a break by simply glancing at your smartphone. Sensors and electronics can be integrated into clothing thanks to the yarn’s structure, in which the inner fibre is made of conductive, elastic rubber. “These two fibres act as electrodes and create an electric field. Together, they form a capacitor that can hold an electric charge,” says Tyler Cuthbert, a central figure in the research and development of the invention. 

Because this stretchable sensor can be woven into the material fibres of flexible and close-fitting clothing, large-scale production is easier and cheaper. And because the sensor is worn so close to the body, it’s possible to capture bodily movements extremely precisely. 

Right now, the researchers are working on turning their prototype into a market-​ready product. 

Springwise has previously spotted other smart clothing innovations, including one that monitors the wearer’s heartbeat and another that measures a customer’s precise body shape to avoid online clothes returns.

Written By: Georgia King


Wireless skin measures pulse, sweat, and UV exposure
CategoriesSustainable News

Wireless skin measures pulse, sweat, and UV exposure

Spotted: Most wearable health sensors today communicate via embedded Bluetooth chips. But these battery-powered chips are bulky meaning that they may not be suitable for the next generation of sensors. In response, a team of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is developing chip-free wireless sensors that are much smaller, more efficient, and self-powering.  

At the heart of the team’s innovation is a phenomenon called piezoelectricity. When certain materials are subjected to mechanical stress, they accumulate an electrical charge. One such material is a semiconductor called gallium nitride, which the MIT researchers used to create an ultra-thin, flexible film. This film, in turn, forms the basis of an electronic skin (‘e-skin’) that is highly responsive to both electrical and mechanical stimuli. The piezoelectric properties of gallium nitride are ‘two-way’. This means that the material produces electricity in response to mechanical strain, while also vibrating in response to an electrical impulse. As a result gallium nitride is ideal for both sensing and wireless communication. 

The research team’s e-skin works extremely well as a health sensor, sticking to human skin like sellotape. Because it is extremely sensitive, the e-skin can respond to a patient’s heartbeat and the presence of sweat. These stimuli cause it to vibrate, and these vibrations are sufficient to generate a small electrical current that can be read by a nearby wireless receiver. 

“Chips require a lot of power, but our device could make a system very light without having any chips that are power-hungry,” explains Jeehwan Kim, an associate professor of mechanical engineering and of materials science and engineering. “You could put it on your body like a bandage, and paired with a wireless reader on your cellphone, you could wirelessly monitor your pulse, sweat, and other biological signals.” 

The device is still under development, with the first successful outcomes recently published in the journal Science. Ultimately, the techniques used to create the sensor could pave the way for advances in everything from fitness tracking to medical diagnostics. 

Springwise has spotted a number of innovations aiming to improve wireless healthcare, these include ultrasound stickers for mobile monitoring of internal organs, also developed at MIT, and a flexible battery created by researchers at the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM). 

Written By: Katrina Lane

Email: jeehwan@mit.edu

Website: jeehwanlab.mit.edu
