Carpark interior in Germany by Mono Architekten

Mono Architekten tops perforated concrete car park with public plaza

Carpark interior in Germany by Mono Architekten

Berlin studio Mono Architekten has combined a perforated concrete viewing tower with a car park topped by a public park to create a new entrance to the town of Neuenburg am Rhein, Germany.

Located close to the border with France and Switzerland, the project is situated between the town itself and the recently redeveloped green spaces a Stadtpark am Wuhrloch, a meeting point which was previously difficult to traverse due to a nine-metre height difference.

Bridging these two conditions, Mono Architekten sought to complement the functional need for a 231-space car park with more public facilities, including a new public plaza and a 36-metre-high viewing tower.

Carpark interior in Germany by Mono ArchitektenCarpark interior in Germany by Mono Architekten
The connecting tower and carpark offer a new entrance into the nearby town

“The aim was to develop independent typologies from the functional requirements of parking and barrier-free access to the city park,” Mono co-founder André Schmidt told Dezeen.

“Together they create an identity-forming urban ensemble,” he continued.

“The parking garage roof was thus designed as a public square – Münsterplatz – and the vertical access structure to the city park was designed as a tower – Bertholdturm – with a publicly accessible viewing platform.”

Interior view of carpark with public park in GermanyInterior view of carpark with public park in Germany
Spiralling ramps provide vehicle access to the carpark

Using the site’s level change as an advantage, the new car park meets the level of the town to allow it to connect seamlessly to the new public square, which is finished with planting and paved seating areas.

Two spiralling ramps at either end of the carpark provide access for vehicles, while the perimeter of the structure curves to meet the existing road with its perforated concrete facade.

In the nearby viewing tower, an elevator core links the ground floor entrance with the rooftop, where 360-degree views of the landscape are accompanied by corten steel panels on the parapet that detail landmarks and their distances.

A bridge of corten steel links the car park roof with an upper entrance to the tower, and in future there is a plan to extend this bridge to create a ramp down to the adjacent parkland, creating a step-free, accessible route between it and the town.

Mono Architekten top carpark with public park in GermanyMono Architekten top carpark with public park in Germany
Both structures were made using blocks of tamped concrete

The two structures were united by their matching exterior finish, with blocks of tamped concrete arranged to create square perforations that allow air to flow freely.

“The sedimentary tamped concrete layers at the entrance to the city are inspired by the city’s former location on the banks of the Rhine,” explained Schmidt.

“The reddish pigmentation harmonizes with the sandstone traditionally used in this area,” he continued. “The monolithic construction emphasizes the archaic character of the buildings.”

Exterior view of perforated tower and bridge by Mono ArchitektenExterior view of perforated tower and bridge by Mono Architekten
A corten steel bridge provides expansive views of the landscape

Mono Architekten took a similar approach to blending infrastructure with public facilities in their design for a service station in Thuringia, which also includes an exhibition space about the site’s nearby bronze-age burial mound.

The photography is by Gregor Schmidt. 


Bai’etan Exhibition Center Landscape by Sasaki

New Kid on the Block: 6 Ways Architects Are Reinventing the Public Park

Bai’etan Exhibition Center Landscape by Sasaki

The latest edition of “Architizer: The World’s Best Architecture” — a stunning, hardbound book celebrating the most inspiring contemporary architecture from around the globe — is now available. Order your copy today.  

Square footage in the world’s most populous cities is a valuable commodity. There’s a pervasive urge to build bigger and better, extracting profit from every nook and cranny. Amid the frenetic pace of urban development, the public park is a radical thing. Democratic by its very nature, it’s a rare space open to all, where visitors can commune with nature and connect with their community without parting with a dime.

In the face of land scarcity and environmental challenges, the public park is changing. Architects are finding daring new ways to carve out pockets of space, preserve native terrain and shape compelling topographical experiences. Discover how these six winning projects from the 11th A+Awards are reinventing one of our most valuable public typologies…

1. Incorporating the Industrial Past

Bai’etan Exhibition Center Landscape by Sasaki, Guangzhou, China

Popular Choice Winner, 11th Annual A+Awards, Sustainable Landscape/Planning Project

Bai’etan Exhibition Center Landscape by Sasaki Bai’etan Exhibition Center Landscape by SasakiOnce bustling with warehouses, factories and docks, this stretch of land on the banks of Guangzhou’s Pearl River has undergone a dramatic transformation. The former industrial lot is now a remarkable public park, imbued with the spirit of its commercial past.

The fabric of a historic warehouse has been preserved and integrated into a new plaza. Brickwork salvaged from the site extends the roofline down to the ground, creating a tactile connection with the land’s former life. Existing topographic features such as the ficus grove have been preserved along the water’s edge, while the restored timber dock evokes the memory of the energetic, working waterfront. Motifs inspired by the factories, water and native trees are integrated into the design of the metal railings and the floodwall panels. In this dynamic project, past and present are thoughtfully placed in conversation.

2. Elevating Thoroughfares

One Green Mile – Public Space and Streetscape Design by StudioPOD, Mumbai, India

Jury Winner, 11th Annual A+Awards, Sustainable Transportation Project

One Green Mile – Public Space and Streetscape Design by StudioPOD One Green Mile – Public Space and Streetscape Design by StudioPODIn a densely packed metropolis like Mumbai, prioritizing the public realm amongst the city’s vast transport infrastructure is a far from straightforward undertaking. This innovative masterplan sought to readdress the balance, creating a street that fullfils the needs of all spatial users. Impressively, the project reclaimed almost 2.3 acres of land for municipal use.

The geometries of the public walkways were expanded to create a richer experience for pedestrians and cyclists. Trees and shrubs line the thoroughfares, punctuated by ‘micro destinations’ and meeting points. Redundant spaces below the flyover were repurposed into vibrant hubs for the neighborhood to enjoy, encompassing community gardens, socializing zones and play equipment. Within this busy urban jungle, a new public world is flourishing.

3. Preserving Native Ecology

Pima Dynamite Trailhead by Weddle Gilmore Architects, Scottsdale, Arizona

Jury Winner, 11th Annual A+Awards, Public Parks & Green Spaces

Pima Dynamite Trailhead by Weddle Gilmore Architects Pima Dynamite Trailhead by Weddle Gilmore ArchitectsPoised on the boundary between the city and the desert, the Pima Dynamite Trailhead in Scottsdale is a gateway of sorts between two worlds. The beginning of the trail is marked by an angular volume, clad in a corten steel skin that rises out of the sandy wilderness. As well as accommodating restrooms and amenities within, the center’s slatted overhangs frame outdoor rooms, oriented to maximize the outlook and provide respite for hikers, cyclists and equestrians.

Preserving the ecology of the Sonoran Desert was of the utmost importance to the project. To this end, new construction was restricted to land that had already been developed. The building’s low, unraveling form was carefully positioned to harmonize with the site’s natural drainage flow. Where the organic topography was disturbed, native plants were brought in to restore the terrain. These small, sensitive interventions ensure nature remains the guiding force.

4. Emphasizing the Metaphysical

Eucalyptus Society Garden by SWA GROUP / Los Angeles, Guangzhou, China

Popular Choice Winner, 11th Annual A+Awards, Public Parks & Green Spaces

Eucalyptus Society Garden by SWA GROUP / Los Angeles Eucalyptus Society Garden by SWA GROUP / Los AngelesThis astonishing public park at the heart of a college community in Guangzhou is a contemplative space where the metaphysical takes center stage. Defined by sweeping, curvilinear pathways and undulating lawns, scale and form are skilfully handled, resulting in an immersive, thought-provoking design.

The project is infused with cultural symbolism. An ancient Eucalyptus tree anchors the site, evoking the tree that Confucius is rumored to have given lectures beneath. Rhythmic circles radiate out around the trunk. The innermost and outermost rings comprise glass bricks, emblematic of the manmade and natural landscapes colliding. From the meandering 131-foot-long (40 meter) Wisdom Bridge to the pebble-like benches, the park’s architecture is a catalyst for rumination.

5. Fusing Urban and Organic Realms


Popular Choice Winner, 11th Annual A+Awards, Urban & Masterplan

OCT Bao’an OH BAY by LAGUARDA.LOW ARCHITECTS OCT Bao’an OH BAY by LAGUARDA.LOW ARCHITECTSSprawling across 128 acres, this pioneering project on the waterfront of Shenzhen challenges conventional notions of the public park. Rather than a distinct, green space set apart from the city’s commercial hubbub, the new Central District Park combines natural landscapes with retail and cultural functions.

The terrain is complex and multi-layered. From the sky, the land is defined by an intricate pattern of green plazas and rippling hills. But on the ground, their hidden depths are revealed. Beneath the undulations of earth, shop façades emerge from beneath living roofs. A myriad of pathways and promenades snake across the park, connecting the retail village, business center, cultural center and book market. Here, the natural and urban realms are one and the same.

6. Modernizing Heritage Typologies

Shenzhen Lotus Water Culture Base: Landscape Design for Honghu Park Water Purification Station by NODE Architecture & Urbanism, Shenzhen, China

Jury Winner, 11th Annual A+Awards, Architecture +Landscape

Shenzhen Lotus Water Culture Base: Landscape Design for Honghu Park Water Purification Station by NODE Architecture & Urbanism Shenzhen Lotus Water Culture Base: Landscape Design for Honghu Park Water Purification Station by NODE Architecture & UrbanismThis whimsical floating garden within a municipal park in Shenzhen sits on top of a submerged water purification facility. The project had numerous complex facets to negotiate, including concealing the plant’s protruding infrastructure. Ingenious design solutions were devised to transform the industrial site into a picturesque retreat for the city’s residents.

The architects turned to historic local typologies for inspiration. The pagodas, pavilions and gazebos of the traditional Lingnan garden, a landscape aesthetic native to the province of Guangdong, were the perfect fit to disguise the cylindrical volumes. Reimagined through a contemporary lens, the forms read as art installations. The tallest vent has been skilfully utilized as a birdwatching platform, while the other shafts offer vantage points where visitors can admire the lotuses. Form and function combine in perfect harmony.

The latest edition of “Architizer: The World’s Best Architecture” — a stunning, hardbound book celebrating the most inspiring contemporary architecture from around the globe — is now available. Order your copy today.  


undulating colored pathways run along PLAT ASIA's sports park in china

undulating colored pathways run along PLAT ASIA’s sports park in china

undulating colored pathways run along PLAT ASIA's sports park in china


project info:

name: Ordos Smart Sports Park
architect: PLAT ASIA | @platasia

principal designer: Bian Baoyang

design team: Zhang Xiaozhan, Wang Xiaochun, Guo Lulu, He Xiaohui, Guo Xin, Yang Lu, Ma Xuan, Hao Qiang, Ji Lei, Bi Baihui, Liu Yuan, Zhu Feng, Zheng Yubin, Yu Siyang, Yang Geng, Yang Dongmei, Xue Heng, Liu Mei

clients: Kangbashi District Forestry and Greenery Service Center, Ordos

construction: HUACHENGBOYUAN Engineering Technology Group Construction

contractor: XINGTAI GROUP

construction supervision: Inner Mongolia SHOUXIN Construction Supervision Co., Ltd.

location: Kangbashi district, Ordos, China

photography: Holi Landscape Photography



designboom has received this project from our DIY submissions feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: christina vergopoulou | designboom


Aerial view of linear park in Mexico

Taller Capital practises “retroactive infrastructure” for linear park in Mexico

Aerial view of linear park in Mexico

Architecture studio Taller Capital has created a linear park in Mexico City that incorporates a walkway and made with materials optimised for water retention and dust mitigation.

Called Héroes de Tecamac Boulevard, the project was located in an urban area north of Mexico City.

Aerial view of linear park in Mexico
Taller Capital has created a linear park in a Mexican boulevard

The project saw the renovation of 2.1 kilometres of a vacant median that runs through the city, passing through a social housing complex.

Twenty metres wide, the structure allows for easy pedestrian use and features recreation areas strewn about its length for use by the local community, and the studio estimates it will serve more than 20,000 individuals who live alongside it.

Walkway from above with cars turning
The project comprises an elevated walkway strewn with recreational areas

According to Taller Capital, the boulevard was constructed in the early 2000s to facilitate the growing population, and though the median was dug it was never completed. The excavated materials from the roadway sat there, creating small dust storms.

“It works as a retroactive infrastructure: it is a device to control dust storms, absorb rainwater, facilitate non-motorized mobility to connect with the Mexibus stop, and bring ports and recreational facilities to the nearby community,” said the studio.

Aerial view of metal playgrounds in linear park
It includes fitness areas and playgrounds

Taller Capital was commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture, Territory and Urban Development to create the recreational spaces, but the studio recognised that the project provided an opportunity to improve the infrastructure of the area, which has very few pedestrian corridors.

“We were commissioned to design public recreational and sports facilities along the median strip,” the studio told Dezeen.

“However, we realized that it could not become only that, but it should mainly work as an infrastructure, both in terms of pedestrian mobility and dust control,” it continued.

“We were able to redesign traffic lanes at the ground level, broadening sidewalks, designating specific areas for parking and allowing two car lanes at each side of the strip.”

Two people walking down linear park with mountains in the background
It was filled with volcanic gravel to aid in water retention

To ensure the safety of the pedestrians, the structure was elevated, a move which also allowed for the soil conditions necessary to plant a series of trees for shade.

The studio included volcanic gravel along the elevation to allow for water absorption and to control dust. It also noted that the gravels consistency means that very little maintenance will be required during the lifecycle of the boulevard.

The route also connects the community with a transportation hub at its north end.

Opened in 2021, the park has already enjoyed use and areas have seen a number of fairs and concerts that go beyond its original program.

“If the place continues serving the purpose it has demonstrated to satisfy up till today, we can imagine that in the future it will become more lively and used, as the trees will have grown and shade will be provided during direct daylight hours,” said Taller Capital.

Trees on Teclamec boulevard park
Trees were planted along its length in hopes that they will grow to provide shade

Héroes de Tecamac Boulevard has been shortlisted for the mixed-use project category in the 2023 Dezeen Awards.

Other projects that revamp infrastructure for pedestrian use include New York’s High Line, a former elevated train line that has been converted to pedestrian walkways and community space.

The photography is by Rafael Gamo.


SLAS architekci's public park in poland is a collage of playful, green-filled shapes

SLAS architekci’s public park is a collage of playful shapes

SLAS architekci's public park in poland is a collage of playful, green-filled shapes

activity zone brings regenerative play to post-military Chorzów


Located on the site of a demolished military building in Chorzów, Poland, Activity Zone takes shape as a multifunctional public park infused with whimsical designs, vegetation, and a vibrant color palette. Polish studio SLAS Architekci completed the playful space as the first phase of the regeneration and integration of the University of Silesia with Chorzów’s urban tissue. The studio’s project was nominated for the 2022 European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies Van der Rohe Award (EUMiesAward).


Activity Zone is designed as a concrete platform perforated throughout to create different flora-filled shapes to accompany the site’s existing trees, which were all preserved for this public park. Programs include a students leisure zone, children’s play devices, a fitness area, and individually designed street furniture. ‘The platform connects the diverse program, intensifies the use of the place and becomes itself an element of play,’ writes the Awards platform. 

SLAS architekci's public park in poland is a collage of playful, green-filled shapes
all images © Michał Kopaniszyn



slas architekci turns concrete into versatile public park


While initially catering to young students, the multifunctional public park is open to users of all age groups, inviting a proper integration of the University of Silesia‘s academic community with local inhabitants and the surrounding nature. Being part of a post-military, wooded, and neglected neighborhood area, Activity Zone brings back life to Chorzów by attracting frequent visits, gradually transforming an abandoned place into a safe park.


The concrete platform is an accessible feature for disabled people and opens up room for activities like biking, rollerblading, and skateboarding. In addition, the perforation allows SLAS architekci (see more here) to accommodate all these different programs while preserving each existing tree to provide shade and prevent overheating. Enhancing the sensory experience, the platform is enriched with a rich palette of colors, textures, and scents, creating a vivid garden amid the neglected area. All proposed materials ( concrete, steel, wood, tree bark, and sports rubber surface) are durable, easy to maintain, and affordable. You can see the complete list of 2022 nominees by visiting the EUMiesAward website

SLAS architekci's public park in poland is a collage of playful, green-filled shapes
a collage of playful shapes, textures, and colors

SLAS architekci's public park in poland is a collage of playful, green-filled shapes
turning a post-military, neglected area into an active, green space for all age groups

SLAS architekci's public park in poland is a collage of playful, green-filled shapes
Activity Zone park by SLAS architekci is part of a regeneration program for the University of Silesia

SLAS architekci's public park in poland is a collage of playful, green-filled shapes
carving shapes from the concrete platform and filling them with vegetation

SLAS architekci's public park in poland is a collage of playful, green-filled shapes
materials include concrete, steel, wood, tree bark and sports rubber surface

SLAS architekci's public park in poland is a collage of playful, green-filled shapes
SLAS architekci looks to gradually turn the difficult neighborhood into a safe public park


Architectural Details: Adjaye Associate’s Winter Park Library Is a “Village of Knowledge”

Architectural Details: Adjaye Associate’s Winter Park Library Is a “Village of Knowledge”

Architectural Details: Adjaye Associate’s Winter Park Library Is a “Village of Knowledge”

Judging for the 11th A+Awards is now underway! While awaiting the Winners, prepare for the upcoming Architizer Vision Awards, honoring the best architectural photography, film, visualizations, drawings, models and the talented creators behind them. Learn more and register >

Great civic buildings resonate with people and place. Between vaulted rooflines and sweeping windows, the Winter Park Library in Florida was inspired both by local fauna and the region’s vernacular architecture. Adjaye Associates teamed up with HuntonBrady Architects to create a series of arched pavilions with a porous relationship between interior and exterior for the library and events center. The project’s signature rose-colored precast was brought to life through careful coordination with manufacturers and consultants to create a “village of knowledge.”

The library’s design team aspired to establish a new civic and cultural hub on the northwest corner of Martin Luther King, Jr. Park in Winter Park, Florida. The library was made to embody the values of the park’s namesake as a space for community empowerment. Seven years in the making, the project spans 50,000 square feet across a trio of canted pavilions.

The “village” includes a new two-story library, an event center with rooftop terrace, as well as a new welcome portico to unify the three structures. Each has a different scale and function, but they share a common formal language inspired by Winter Park’s extensive tree canopy.

Arches establish the form of the pavilions, where compound, convex exterior walls are made with a series of scalloping, frond-like patterns. The volumes of the library, events center, and porte cochère come very close to touching. Hoping to draw light deep into the new library, the team created the angled exterior walls that lean outward as they rise from the base.

The rose-pigmented architectural precast concrete was developed with GATE Precast, who fabricated the complex panels framing the arched openings on each façade. The façade alludes to Florida vegetation while establishing durability in a tropical, hurricane-prone environment.

For the precast façade, it was determined that concrete was the only cladding material that could achieve the quality and durability needed for the exterior walls. The texture, color, aggregates and concrete matrix were carefully selected for aesthetics, durability and low maintenance. The curved walls are realized with back-up framing made up of structural steel.

In turn, a series of sloping, arched curtainwalls in the enclosed buildings meet the curved, solid surfaces. The architects mirrored the concrete edge to create continuous seating along the curtain wall. Shallow foundations are used to support the building loads, while the elevated floor and roof are framed using structural steel beams and girders.

The site’s physical constraints required efficient use of space for the buildings, the belvedere and parking. The team worked with TLC Engineering General to form the façade and the shaded indoor-outdoor spaces. They evaluated several structural and envelope systems including concrete and steel, cast-in-place concrete and precast concrete cladding.

The diverse program includes flexible floor plates for both the library and events center, maximizing adaptability for each. All three pavilions rest on a raised belvedere that provides views onto Lake Mendsen and exterior green community spaces that run between the structures.

The library has become a place where the entire community can interact, learn and gather. Inside, open spaces are framed by four timber-lined cores that contain Winter Park’s historical and archival collection spaces, support zones, and private reading rooms. Designing with the community in mind, the event center was made with a flexible auditorium space and a rooftop terrace that offers views of the lakeside park setting.

Creating parity between the civic library space and the commercially focused event center, both buildings feature a signature sculptural stair. As monumental as it is grounded in its context, the Winter Park Library and Events Center is an ensemble made possible through a diverse team with shared values. The new landmark was made possible through bold ideas and thoughtful detailing alike.

Judging for the 11th A+Awards is now underway! While awaiting the Winners, prepare for the upcoming Architizer Vision Awards, honoring the best architectural photography, film, visualizations, drawings, models and the talented creators behind them. Learn more and register >


© treceuve

A Look into the Design of 416 Memorial Park

© treceuve


416 Memorial Park – The purpose of the project is to design an optimal plan to create a cultural park consisting of a complex of exhibition and educational facilities and a columbarium to commemorate and share the pain of the victims of the Sewol ferry disaster. When the passenger ferry MV Sewol sank off the coast of South Korea in 2014, over three hundred people lost their lives, most of them schoolchildren. Years later, the victims’ families and survivors are still demanding justice from national authorities.

Architizer chatted with Sang Dae Lee, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP, and principal at UNITEDLAB Associates, to learn more about this collaborative project.

Architizer: What inspired the initial concept for your design?

Sang Dae Lee: As the form and space of ‘416 memorial park’ embody the moment of the sinking of the Sewol ferry, there were challenges as follows.

Spatial sequence: How to spatially implement emotional tension and sequence from the entrance to the enshrinement space? As a gradual and vertical entry into space, it was attempted to represent the space of the Sewol at the time of the accident. This gradual movement into space begins from the park to the entrance to the memorial. Since these internal and external ramps are on the same slope, vertical movement is hidden and horizontality is emphasized instead. Visitors walk from the entrance through the education space on the middle level, then reach the exhibition and AV theater. While walking down the path through a narrow, closed ramp corridor, visitors will ultimately arrive in an enshrinement space with emotional tension.

© treceuve

© treceuve

© treceuve

© treceuve

This project won in the 10th Annual A+Awards! What do you believe are the standout components that made your project win?

Architecture and landscaping as a figure-ground play a significant role in place-making. The architecture will invite visitors to programs such as education, cultural activities, enshrinement space, amenities, and a shop, and the landscape will serve social events, promenades, gardens, and memorial park. The 250 birch trees commemorate the victims with a metaphor for eternity.

Over time, the trees grow bigger, depicting the meaning of death leading to new life. In addition to the indoor memorial space, a memorial event can be held outdoors in the garden and each tree provides an individual memorial space around. The walkway in the garden can be closed depending on the event and is used as a performance space and amphitheater. The interface along the walkway is a connection between the space and the architecture, receiving natural light, meaning that architecture and landscape are united.

© treceuve

© treceuve

© treceuve

© treceuve

What was the greatest design challenge you faced during the project, and how did you navigate it?

As the 416 memorial park embody the wave of the sea, there were structural challenges to support the wavy landform. If visitors walk along the promenade that crosses the waves of the roof garden, they would ultimately pass through the elevated and huge waves. The tension peaks when the pedestrian reaches the pyramid-shaped ship. By gradually increasing the level of the terrain around the enshrinement pyramid, we have space below maximized for the implementation of educational, cultural, and event programs. The upper terrain allows visitors to contemplate the surrounding park as an observatory deck and to gaze into the interior space below since the terrain is torn. A column-free structure was pursued to maximize the sense of space under this terrain. Therefore, the space is formed in accordance with the shape of the waves, and the shear walls are placed along the waves.

© treceuve

© treceuve

© treceuve

© treceuve

How did the context of your project — environmental, social or cultural — influence your design?

There are various urban cultural and commercial facilities concentrated around the project site, and as such, it has good accessibility by the public due to its large population residing around.
In order to apply the meaning of ‘memorial in everyday life,’ the architecture was designed as memorial, educational, and cultural facilities, and the landscape above was designed as a park—a new typology combining a plaza with a park. The plaza hosts social and cultural events, and provides a good public space for people. A memorial park was designed along the roof garden where visitors can stroll around while looking out at the surrounding area. In particular, the memorial garden on the roof and the enshrinement space on the basement is used as a place to commemorate the victims of the Sewol ferry disaster. This is a mixed type of architecture combined with a park as a figure-ground.

© treceuve

© treceuve

© treceuve

© treceuve

What is your favorite detail in the project and why?

416 memorial park seeks to overcome the pain and sorrow, and furthermore to sublimate and regenerate it ecologically and culturally rather than a mere memorial space of sadness. The 250 birch trees planted in the garden of the memorial park will grow and form a forest over time, and the enshrinement space under the pyramid is open to the outside air allowing visitors to experience a sublime sense of season, space, and time of the disaster. The educational program provides opportunities for engagement and discussion with visitors. The AV theater and exhibition space simulates the disaster scenes and provides exhibitions and education programs tailored to the theme. The park above and the building embrace sustainability by applying new technologies and systems to symbolize the metaphor of the regeneration of the memorial space.

© treceuve

© treceuve

© UNITEDLAB Associates / Vtrilloarquitectos

© UNITEDLAB Associates / Vtrilloarquitectos

In what ways did you collaborate with others, and were there any team members or skills that were essential in bringing this Award winning project to life?

UNITEDLAB Associates has collaborated with Vtrilloarquitectos, an architecture firm specializing in theater in Spain. Due to physical distance and the Pandemic of COVID-19, we mutually met via zoom to discuss the main concept of what memorial park plays in the new age of time. While brainstorming, they developed great alternatives and quickly simulate the scheme into 3D models which helps for us to develop and decide the final options. They have strong technical skills and presentation skills to support our studio in leading the projects. i.e. Computer 3D simulation technics, architecture details, exhibition concept, and its AV theater technical analysis.

© UNITEDLAB Associates / Vtrilloarquitectos

© UNITEDLAB Associates / Vtrilloarquitectos

© UNITEDLAB Associates / Vtrilloarquitectos

© UNITEDLAB Associates / Vtrilloarquitectos

How do you believe this project represents you or your firm as a whole?

We try to balance practical projects and experimental ones for managing studio works. 416 Memorial Park is rather a new way of architecture well united with another discipline of landscape architecture. It was a meaningful hybrid not only in the discipline but at the same time architecturally program use inside and landscape garden above but exemplary sustainability engaged to the memorial park. Of course, it was not easy for us to critically consider diminishing the budget by designing a kind of simple or rectangular building as this project pursues a parametric form of architecture. but as always, we pursue designing a new typology by experimenting with innovation.

© UNITEDLAB Associates / Vtrilloarquitectos

© UNITEDLAB Associates / Vtrilloarquitectos

© UNITEDLAB Associates / Vtrilloarquitectos

© UNITEDLAB Associates / Vtrilloarquitectos

Team Members

Design Firm: UNITEDLAB Associates / Vtrilloarquitectos, Principal in Charge: Sang Dae Lee, Architect: Valentín Trillo Martínez, Designer: Kitae Kim, Siying Chen, Client: City of Ansan, 3D Rendering: treceuve

For more on 416 Memorial Park, please visit the in-depth project page on Architizer.

416 Memorial Park Gallery


Wood-clad courtyard and white bathroom
CategoriesInterior Design

Tom Dixon furnishes penthouses in One Park Drive skyscraper

Wood-clad courtyard and white bathroom

British designer Tom Dixon’s Design Research Studio has furnished the interiors for two duplex penthouses that Herzog & de Meuron has created within its cylindrical Canary Wharf skyscraper.

Architecture studio Herzog & de Meuron designed the seven penthouses in the residential One Park Drive skyscraper, which were the last part of the project to be completed, to contrast the commercial buildings that surround them.

“We had to think about what it means to live vertically and how to create a strong distinction between something that is commercial and something that is residential,” Herzog & de Meuron’s UK studio director John O’Mara said at the penthouses’ opening.

Wood-clad courtyard and white bathroom
The seven penthouses feature wood-clad courtyards

Located on the 56th and final floor of the 205-metre-tall One Park Drive building, the duplex penthouses feature balconies overlooking Canary Wharf. To give them a more residential feel, Herzog & de Meuron added an unusual detail – hidden internal courtyards.

The wood-clad courtyards open up towards the sky via D-shaped ceiling cut-outs and function as a “back garden,” the studio said.

Each of the penthouses, which range from 152 to 362 square metres, also feature a statement spiral staircase made from concrete poured in-situ. The staircases all have different designs.

Spiral concrete staircase inside One Park Drive penthouse
Spiral staircases were made from concrete poured in-situ

Design Research Studio furnished the interiors for two of the duplex penthouses in One Park Drive using a combination of furniture by Dixon’s studio and handpicked vintage furniture.

Among the vintage pieces used for the design were chairs by Danish designer Verner Panton and lamps by Finnish architect Alvar Aalto. Dixon also custom-made large artworks for the space.

White sofa in front of floor-to-ceiling windows
The penthouses are on the 56th floor

Dixon’s studio used the theme of Home of the Collector to imagine what the interiors of the penthouses should feel like.

“Each room has been meticulously curated – we wanted every single object to feel as if it has been made specifically for this space or that it has been carefully selected for it,” Dixon explained.

“It should feel personal, convincing, compelling and aspirational – we didn’t want to design a typical luxury apartment,” he added.

“The beautiful, fluid spaces feature high ceilings and large expanses of wall and windows and the artworks create the sense of a private gallery.”

Coming up with a concept for an imaginary homeowner was an enjoyable aspect of the job, Dixon added.

“It’s actually really good fun to try and invent a personality and try and work out what they would actually do,” he said, explaining that he had envisioned the apartments being filled with art pieces and furniture that had been picked up on travels.

Bathroom with tadelakt walls at One Park Drive penthouse
Bathrooms have sand-coloured Tadelakt walls

The apartments in One Park Drive are all designed by Herzog & de Meuron with a tactile material palette that helps to draw attention to the interiors.

Wood was used to create striking details for the interior architecture, including the wardrobe doors with leaf-shaped openings.

The studio used Tadelakt plaster to create sand-coloured bathrooms with globe-shaped lights and rounded mirrors, while floors are concrete or pale wood.

Sofa in living room of One Park Drive penthouse
The penthouses also have balconies overlooking Wood Wharf

The duplex penthouses are the last part of One Park Drive to be completed. The skyscraper, which contains 484 apartments in total, forms part of developer Canary Wharf Group‘s plan to add homes to the predominantly commercial Canary Wharf neighbourhood.

Other recent projects by Tom Dixon include a twentieth-anniversary exhibition that featured mycelium towers and Design Research Studio’s design for restaurant The Manzoni.
