Decarbonising domestic heating at scale
CategoriesSustainable News

Decarbonising domestic heating at scale

Decarbonising domestic heating at scale

The International Environment Agency (IEA) considers heat pumps to be a central technology in the bid to decarbonise the way homes are heated, estimating that they could reduce global CO2 emissions by at least 500 million tonnes by 2030 – equal to all the cars in Europe today.

In the UK, domestic heating and air conditioning contribute around 14 per cent of the UK’s total carbon emissions, with the majority of UK homes – roughly 85 per cent – using gas boilers. In order to meet the UK’s net-zero goal, it’s estimated that 29 million homes will need to replace fossil fuel-powered heating systems by 2050 – a target that the UK government is not on track to meet.

But heat pumps have suffered from bad press in the UK, with critics often citing cost as a prohibitive factor to mass adoption. Cornish firm Kensa, the only company in the UK currently manufacturing ground source heat pumps, is hoping to change the narrative. Its system harnesses solar energy stored underground. Ground source heat pumps extract heat via loops of submerged pipes filled with a heat transfer fluid. The pump upgrades the energy into usable heat or reverses the process for cooling, storing the heat back in the ground until it’s needed.

In order to make this an affordable solution that works in areas with higher population densities, Kensa has worked in partnership with local authorities in Cornwall, Gravesend in Kent, and Thurrock in Essex to drill boreholes and install heat pumps in built-up areas, including high-rise towers. This ability to install shared systems, where the infrastructure is buried in the street and connects to multiple homes is – the company says – the 21st-century equivalent to the gas grid, and a way to positively impact the 3 million people living in fuel poverty in the UK. It keeps the costs of implementation down in tandem with reducing emissions – and that’s a win for everyone.

Video and article credit: RE:TV


Drones boost biodiversity at scale
CategoriesSustainable News

Drones boost biodiversity at scale

Drones boost biodiversity at scale

Spotted: Today’s scientists are considering whether current levels of species loss constitute a sixth mass extinction event. But what we do know for sure is that we are facing a significant biodiversity crisis. As biodiversity declines, so too does the effectiveness of entire ecosystems. And this can cause significant harm to humans in the long run, damaging our food systems and increasing the chances of infectious diseases, among other issues.  

Hoping to assist in the protection and rejuvenation of biodiversity around the world, Switzerland-based startup Inverto has developed an innovative drone-based system. The startup combines hardware and software technologies to create innovative and custom solutions to support climate restoration and agriculture. Using the drones, Inverto can sample soils, select and monitor sites, and release seeds for reforestation. 

So far, Inverto has mainly focused its efforts on mangroves, as these are efficient carbon sinks and biodiversity hotspots. In December 2022, the company partnered with Delta Blue Carbon to plant 350,000 hectares of mangrove forest along the Indus River in Pakistan. And, as well as replanting mangroves, Inverto can also use its drone technologies to release beneficial insects.

Video source Inverto

Inverto is still a relatively new venture, having only been founded in 2022, but has received attention from various investors and accelerators. For example, in May this year, it received a €200,000 grant from the European Space Agency Business Incubation Centre in Switzerland to help it make use of space technologies. 

The natural biodiversity that exists on our planet is precious and fortunately, innovators are working hard to protect it. In the archive, Springwise has also spotted the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to monitor biodiversity on farmland and a startup that puts a financial value on biodiversity to incentivise more companies to protect it.

Written By: Amanda Simms
