Solutions not pledges: Five of the best startups at COP28
CategoriesSustainable News

Solutions not pledges: Five of the best startups at COP28

A COP summit held in a petrostate was always going to be controversial. Some announcements got a gold star, such as the launch of a loss and damage fund (although the devil will be in the details) or the pledge to triple global renewable energy capability by 2030. But while the final agreement promised a transition away from fossil fuels, many observers criticised it for falling short of a full phase-out.  

Outside of the main negotiation rooms and talking shops, entrepreneurs and founders come to COP summits to make contacts and do business. It felt like they were in the right place this year – the appetite for solutions over more pledges was palpable in the conversations we had and during the sessions we attended.  

More than a hundred clean tech startups had travelled to Dubai to be present in the Startup Village or to speak on panels on the various stages around Expo City. It was great to see some familiar faces, such as Sabrine Chennaoui, CEO and co-founder of Monsapo, a company that makes cleaning products from used cooking oil. Monsapo addresses a critical issue: 20 per cent of ocean pollution comes from used cooking oils, harming marine life responsible for 95 per cent of Earth’s oxygen.  

It seemed fitting during the hottest year on record RedSea were at COP28, a sustainable agritech startup we featured earlier this year, which has developed a complete system aimed at helping farmers grow food in adverse conditions. This includes greenhouse technologies designed to keep plants cool in hot climates. The platform incorporates artificial intelligence (AI), solar power, and desalination technologies in order to save on energy and water use.  

Likewise FortyGuard, an analytics platform we first spotted in December 2022 that collects data from a mixture of local and global sources. The company uses this to provide analytics about temperatures down to the level of a single square metre. The insights can then be used to guide designers, engineers, and contractors as they attempt to make cities cooler. 

The fourth annual Hydrogen Transition Summit was held during COP28 – green hydrogen has been on our radar all year and developments in this area will only advance as innovation drives production and transportation costs down. Geopura is developing a technology that promises to eradicate the need for diesel powered generators on construction sites.  Following ten years of research and development, GeoPura has developed its Hydrogen Power Unit (HPU), which combines hydrogen fuel cell technology with battery storage and real-time electrical conversion. The fuel cell splits the hydrogen into protons and electrons, which creates an electrical current that charges the batteries. The batteries, in turn, provide power to the site for applications such as electric vehicle charging, heating, and hot water (read our full write up from November here).  

Levidian is a UK firm that is ready to capitalise on the Global Methane Pledge, launched at COP28, to reduce methane emissions by 30 per cent from 2020 levels by 2030. It trying to decarbonise hard to abate sectors – and counts waste water companies, oil and gas, and heavy industry, amongst its potential customers. It has created a device called ‘Loop’, which cracks methane into hydrogen, which can be used as a clean energy source and carbon, which is locked into graphene and then has the potential to be used in a variety of ways. Levidian claims that using Loop could cut CO2 emissions by 40 per cent instantly.

Words: Angela Everitt


Five innovative startups with female founders
CategoriesSustainable News

Five innovative startups with female founders

How many startups are founded by women? Although there are signs of progress, the answer remains ‘too few.’

According to data compiler Statista, the proportion of global startups with at least one female founder increased from 10 per cent in 2009 to 20 per cent in 2019. This long-term trend may be promising, but 20 per cent is still a strikingly low figure – significantly lower than the 32 per cent of S&P 500 board seats that are held by women, and far short of the 49.7 per cent of the world population that is female.

The headline figure also doesn’t tell the full story. As a worldwide statistic it masks significant regional variation, and it also smooths over imbalances between sectors. For example, one study of US companies founded between 2016 and 2021 showed that women make up 24 per cent of founders in the education sector, but only 10 per cent in fintech and energy, and 9 per cent in hardware.  

As Springwise reported last year, female founders are also getting short-changed when it comes to the amount of early-stage capital they receive compared to their male counterparts. And the proportion of venture capital funding allocated to startups with female founders has remained flat since 2011, even as the proportion of female-founded companies has increased.

At Springwise we regularly see inspiring work from female founders. To celebrate International Women’s Day, discover five of the most exciting innovations from female-founded startups.

Photo source The Earthshot Prize

There is perhaps no better place to start than Mukuru Clean Stoves, winner of the ‘Clean our Air’ category at The Earthshot Prize in 2022. Led by Kenya-born Charlot Magayi, the startup uses recycled materials to manufacture safe and clean cookstoves for low-income families in East Africa. One of the key benefits of the stoves is that they tackle household air pollution, which causes a range of health issues from strokes and heart disease to lung cancer. Magayi became aware of the issue in 2012, while she was researching safer stove designs after her daughter was burned by an overturned cookstove. Inspired to make a difference, she founded Mukuru Clean Stoves to make cleaner cooking affordable for all. Read more

Photo source Alterpacks

Countries across the globe are producing millions of metric tonnes of single-use plastic waste each year. And even the cardboard and paper containers that are increasingly common are not truly sustainable, as most contain a plastic coating to prevent leaks. To tackle this problem, Singapore-based startup Alterpacks has developed a line of compostable packaging made from malt and barley grain waste from beer brewing. Rather than relying on a coating, the whole container is leakproof, microwaveable, washable, and home-compostable. Alterpacks was founded by Karen Cheah. After 20 successful years working for entertainment companies, Cheah embarked on a change of career, founding the startup after completing a Master’s at Singapore Management University. Read more

Photo source Pexels

French startup Uptrade is on a mission to solve the fashion industry’s fabric waste problem. The company has developed a matchmaking platform that connects those with unused fabric to sell with those looking to buy. For buyers, Uptrade curates a selection of ‘sleeping stocks’ based on quantity, quality, and origin. Traceability is core to the platform, with the ‘Uptrade – Saved fabric’ label guaranteeing both the origin of a fabric and the sustainable approach of the seller. Uptrade also negotiates a price that is fair to both parties. For sellers, Uptrade takes care of all the logistics. All the seller has to do is prepare the parcel and let Uptrade know its weight and dimensions. Further instructions are then provided with the purchase order, with shipping costs borne by the buyer. Uptrade was founded by female duo Eleonore Rothley Lafon and Charlotte Billot. Billot had been working on reusing end-of-life products for 10 years before she met Lafon, who had experience with a social enterprise in Cambodia focused on environmental protection and natural fibre production. Together, the pair developed the idea of Uptrade. Read more

Photo source Localyze

The long-term economic success of many European countries is threatened by a persistent talent gap. And in hi-tech sectors such as artificial intelligence, the problem is particularly acute. Faced with the challenge of filling vital positions, it is more important than ever that companies can access the best talent from around the world. But relocating employees and hiring across borders comes with administrative and logistical challenges. This is where German startup Localyze comes in. Part all-in-one platform, part personalised support service, Localyze takes care of the admin-heavy tasks involved with finding the best global talent. The company claims that HR teams can hand over cases involving global mobility to its experts in as little as two minutes. They can then easily keep tabs on the status of each case through an easy-to-use dashboard that notifies users when they need to act. Localyze was founded by three women: Hanna Marie Asmussen, Lisa Dahlke, and Franzi Low. The idea for the startup came from their shared experiences of employee relocation and its many challenges. Read more 

Photo source Puna Bio

A large proportion of the world’s arable land is already degraded by the effects of climate change, pollution, and salinisation, and this is set to get worse over time. At the same time, the agricultural industry spends a huge amount of money on fertilisers and other soil treatments. Now, Argentinian startup Puna Bio is developing a novel all-natural solution for improving crop yields using extremophile organisms – microbes evolved to thrive in extreme environments. Puna Bio co-founder Elisa Bertini scoured locations including Utah’s Great Salt Lake and South America’s high desert, known in Argentina as La Puna, for organisms that thrive in harsh environments like active volcanoes, saline wetlands, and desert soils. The extremophiles that live in these locations have evolved to live with a low amount of nutrients, such as nitrogen or phosphorus, making them very efficient. When transported to other soils, including those that are very degraded, these organisms thrive and improve yield. Bertini founded Puna Bio with two female co-founders, Caroline Belfiore and María Eugenia Farías, along with their male colleague Franco Martínez Levis. Read more

Written By: Matthew Hempstead

For more innovations, head to the Springwise Innovation Library.


A platform connects US tech startups with remote developers in Latin America
CategoriesSustainable News

A platform connects US tech startups with remote developers in Latin America

Spotted: Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, remote working infrastructure has improved dramatically, while remote working practices have become culturally embedded within many organisations. Highly digitised industries saw the biggest adoption of remote working, with the OECD estimating that, on average, more than  50 per cent of high-tech workers worked from home during the pandemic. Indeed, Apple employees have become so used to remote working that a group of them have publicly pushed back against calls from top management to return to the office.

But what impact will increased acceptance of remote working have on the job market for tech? One possibility is that it will encourage more companies to outsource tasks to freelance developers in lower cost countries. But for Philadelphia-based startup Teilur, ‘outsourcing’ is a dirty word associated with short-term transactional relationships. Instead, the talent platform is focused on helping US tech startups build meaningful, long-term relationships with Latin American developers who share their mission and values.

What does this mean in practice? At the heart of Teilur’s platform is a network of over 400 pre-vetted growth marketers, data professionals, and software developers. US tech companies can dip into this pool of talent to find their next valued team member. Teilur then takes care of cumbersome administrative tasks such as international contract compliance and payroll. Crucially, for US firms, Latin America can provide workers who operate in the same timezone as their US-based counterparts, making collaboration easier. And to incentivise long-term relationships, candidates on the Teilur platform get paid salaries two to three times higher than what the big tech companies offer locally.

Teilur argues that its platform benefits both startups and developers. It claims that companies can save up to 60 per cent in salaries, while candidates receive better pay than is available elsewhere in their local market. Teilur is also committed to pricing transparency with a promise to never charge more than 25 per cent of what the hiring company pays for a candidate – a competitive rate in a market where agencies routinely charge up to 50 per cent. Teilur also pledges to only charge companies if they actually hire a candidate.

With a global talent gap looming on the horizon, Springwise is spotting a number of talent tech innovations such as a language-learning app that connects candidates from marginalised groups with employers in the digital economy, and an AI-powered training platform that predicts future skills gaps.

Written By: Matthew Hempstead

