What’s So Luxurious About Luxury Vinyl Tile, Part II: How LVT Supply Chains Are “Built on Repression”

What’s So Luxurious About Luxury Vinyl Tile, Part II: How LVT Supply Chains Are “Built on Repression”

What’s So Luxurious About Luxury Vinyl Tile, Part II: How LVT Supply Chains Are “Built on Repression”

This article was written by Burgess Brown. Healthy Materials Lab is a design research lab at Parsons School of Design with a mission to place health at the center of every design decision. HML is changing the future of the built environment by creating resources for designers, architects, teachers, and students to make healthier places for all people to live. Check out their podcast, Trace Material.

This article is Part II of a three-part series on the hazards of vinyl flooring.

  • Part I explores “dirty climate secret” behind the popular material and shares some healthier, affordable alternatives.
  • Part II, this article, the long history of worker endangerment by the vinyl industry and how this legacy continues in China today.

Part One: Import Limbo

Warehouses and docks at the Port of New York and New Jersey are filled to the brim with shipping containers full of products like solar panels, textiles and flooring. These containers are stuck in import limbo. The bottleneck has had a particularly dramatic impact on the booming vinyl flooring industry as hundreds of millions of dollars worth of “luxury” vinyl tile collects dust or is returned to sender. They are being meticulously inspected by Customs and Border Protection–part of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act recently passed by the federal government. Customs is looking for products whose life cycles begin in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR).

This region has become the center of human rights abuses against Uyghurs [pronounced WEE-gur], an ethnic minority group indigenous to Xinjiang. The XUAR is an industrial hub for electronics, pharmaceuticals, apparel and technology fueled by state-sponsored forced labor of Uyghurs. A recent report called “Built on Repression” from the Helena Kennedy Centre for International Justice at Sheffield Hallam University and Materials Research L3C highlights a new and concerning industry in the region: PVC production. According to the report, The Uyghur Region has become a world leader in the production of PVC plastics in recent years. The seven PVC manufacturers in the XUAR produce 10% of the world’s PVC. China, as a whole supplies 63% of U.S. vinyl flooring.

There are many products coming out of the XUAR that are manufactured using forced labor, but none compare to PVC flooring when it comes to human and environmental health effects. According to “Built on Repression” author Jim Vallette, “There’s nothing like it on Earth in the combination of climate and toxic pollution. And workers are living there 24/7.”

Part 2: A History of Abuse

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The toxicity of vinyl production has been a well documented fact for decades and labor abuses have been part and parcel of the industry from the start. As the chemical industry began ramping up PVC production in the ‘60s and 70’s, laying the groundwork for its eventual widespread use, they discovered that vinyl chloride monomer (the building block of PVC) was a carcinogen. They chose to hide these findings from the public and their workers. The story of this global coverup is revealed in the groundbreaking book, “Deceit and Denial: The Deadly Politics of Industrial Pollution” by historians Gerald Markowitz and David Rosner. By the 1970s, PVC workers across the U.S. contracted a rare form of liver cancer and the pattern forced industry leaders to go public about the dangers they had kept hidden. For more on this story, take a listen to the episode of HML’s podcast, Trace Material, entitled “The House of Documents” that features interviews with Gerald Markowitz and other key players that pulled back the curtain on the early PVC industry.

While working conditions have improved in the U.S.,there is unfortunately no safe way to produce, use or dispose of PVC. Workers, residents and fenceline communities continue to be exposed to cancer-causing chemicals. In China, the situation is even more dire. Chinese makers of PVC use an outdated and extremely toxic production method that is far more dangerous to people and the planet. The Uyghur Region has become a locus of PVC production in part because of the plentiful coal resources in the region. Factories are set up adjacent to coal mines and use coal fired power plants as an energy source. They incorporate an incredibly toxic mercury-based catalyst in the production process. This is one of the last remaining places on the planet where this method of production is utilized. The plants in the XUAR will release an “estimated 49 million tons of global warming gasses, each producing more than any other similar plant” and the estimated air emissions are equal to more than half of the air releases of mercury (14.8 tons) reported in all manufacturing in all of the United States in 2020, according to the “Built on Repression” report. At grave cost to our planet and bodies, XUAR-manufactured PVC and the products made from it have become absurdly inexpensive. U.S. manufactures are unable to compete and Chinese PVC has become the most common material in all new floors sold in the U.S.

Global demand for luxury vinyl tile has meant massive growth for a toxic industry in China. To keep up with demand, the government of the People’s Republic of China has instigated a sweeping program of forced labor in the XUAR. One of the primary methods used by the government are “labor transfer” programs. According to the “Built on Repression” report, “Through state agency labor recruiters, the PRC government compels people to be transferred to farms and factories across the Uyghur Region. Others have been ‘transferred’ thousands of miles into the interior of China to work in factories. The XUAR government estimates that it has deployed these programs 2.6 million times.”

The report states that refusal to participate in these programs can be considered “a sign of religious extremism and punishable with internment or prison in the Uyghur region.” Uyghurs are effectively unable to refuse a “transfer” or leave a job assigned to them. Millions have been separated from their families in what is tantamount to human trafficking and enslavement.

Part 3: New Cancer Alleys

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The U.S. government has responded to these atrocities by passing the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act. The act effectively bans all imports whose origin can be traced to the Uyghur region. Tracing the origins of LVT has become increasingly difficult as China has made their supply chains even more complicated and opaque. PVC resins created in the XUAR are shipped to Thailand or Vietnam to be turned into flooring before export. The U.S. flooring industry has responded by returning as much production to the U.S. as possible. But, without forced labor and cheap coal, manufacturers can’t match price and capacity demands. While the steps to divest from an industry propped up by forced labor are certainly positive, ramping up domestic production of PVC brings risks to the health of U.S. workers and communities living near the factories. The heart of plastics production in the U.S. sits along the Mississippi River in Louisiana. The area has become known as Cancer Alley because residents are about 50 times more at risk of developing cancer than the average American. As the plastics industry vacates China and returns to the U.S., it’s building new cancer alleys in Ohio, West Virginia and Pennsylvania. Our demand for inexpensive flooring outsourced cancer, now that demand is bringing cancer home.

So what should be done? According to Gerald Markowitz, we need to stop using PVC altogether. Here are his suggestions:

“The United States should begin eliminating PVC by categories of use. Legislation has been floated in California to prohibit PVC in food packaging — a ban that could be expanded to other nonessential needs. Though PVC is inexpensive, it is replaceable in most cases. Alternatives include glass, ceramics, linoleum, polyesters and more.

Also, discarded PVC should be labeled a hazardous waste. The designation would put the burden on users for its safe storage, transportation and disposal, creating an incentive to accelerate its elimination.”

We at Healthy Materials Lab agree. LVT is durable, easy to install and maintain, inexpensive and toxic. Its low purchase  price is outweighed by a massive cost to human and planetary health. By refusing to specify LVT, architects and designers act as advocates on behalf of the health of all communities. Attractive, affordable, healthier flooring products exist. Take a look at part one of this series (or the healthy flooring materials collection on our website) for a list of some alternatives that include healthy materials like cork, hempwood and linoleum. And, stay tuned for the final installment of the series where we will take a closer look at what happens to LVT at the end of its life and the limits of its circularity.

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Predicting supply chain risks with AI
CategoriesSustainable News

Predicting supply chain risks with AI

Predicting supply chain risks with AI

Spotted: Supply chain disruption is a huge cost for organisations around the world. In fact, one 2022 survey of more than 1,500 global supply chain leaders found that the average annual cost of supply chain disruptions to each organisation was $182 million. And within this, ESG-related disruptions alone cost companies, on average, $35 million (around €32.2 million) per year.  

The financial driver of disruption costs, combined with regulatory initiatives such as the German Supply Chain Act, is pushing companies to have better visibility along their supply chains. However, these supply chains are more complex than ever, which makes achieving visibility difficult. This is the challenge that Austrian startup Prewave hopes to address. 

The Vienna-based company has developed an artificial intelligence (AI) powered platform that enables brands to keep tabs on their suppliers by analysing millions of data sources from across the internet and social media. This analysis generates alerts when relevant issues with a supplier are detected – from disruptive events, such as storms and earthquakes, to cybersecurity breaches, and reputationally damaging CSR incidents. 

But what makes the Prewave platform particularly valuable for brands is the fact that its AI is predictive, which means it can forecast risk events before they happen. For example, the company claims that its technology was able to predict seaport strikes in Indonesia 18 days in advance.  

If a risk alert is received, the company can contact the supplier directly through the Prewave platform to ask for further information and to collaborate on resolving the issue. Employees can also assign the alerts to their colleagues.  

In May, Prewave received €18 million in a series A+ funding round, and the startup has already secured prestigious customers including Audi, ABInBev, and KTM.

As supply chains become increasingly complex, it’s more important than ever for companies to optimise them. In the archive, Springwise has also spotted a decarbonisation platform and the use of blockchain to enable supply chain transparency.

Written By: Matthew Hempstead


Creating a future-proofed cotton supply chain
CategoriesSustainable News

Creating a future-proofed cotton supply chain

Creating a future-proofed cotton supply chain

Spotted: According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), cotton is the most widespread non-food crop in the world. Its production employs almost seven per cent of all labour in developing countries, with around half of all textiles being made from cotton. Yet, while the global reach of cotton is wide, current cotton production methods are environmentally unsustainable — involving high water use and contamination, soil degradation, and pesticide pollution.

To solve these issues, Materra has developed a pioneering method for growing cotton in climate-controlled greenhouse environments. Its method can produce up to four times more yield per surface area compared to conventional outdoor cotton farming. It also uses around 80 per cent less water, no pesticides, and produces around 30 per cent less carbon dioxide than chemically intensive cotton farming.

Materra’s approach is designed to ‘future-proof’ the cotton industry – which around 250 million people rely on for income. By using resources more efficiently, Materra’s system also acts as a form of climate change mitigation – transforming brownfield land into productive agricultural land. By using land more effectively, the company will be able to join forces with other impactful schemes that support biodiversity and carbon sequestration. Materra also highlights that one big advantage of their system as its flexibility, and ability to adjust the different parameters to produce the best outcome.

The fashion industry is one of the most wasteful on the planet. Every aspect of the fashion supply and consumption chain produces huge amounts of waste — 87 per cent of the materials and fibres used to make clothing will end up in either incinerators or landfills. Luckily, innovators the world over and now working to change this. Springwise has recently spotted improvements that range from creating clothing from a mycelium-based material to non-toxic, low-energy dyeing processes.

Written By: Lisa Magloff


Visualising food supply chains to improve consumer trust
CategoriesSustainable News

Visualising food supply chains to improve consumer trust

Visualising food supply chains to improve consumer trust

Spotted: Many small sustainable businesses offer great products, but lack the tools and resources to tell the full story of their items. In a world filled with products, it is easy for these manufacturers to lose out. German startup Seedtrace has developed a platform that allows food companies to prove their product’s sustainability, as well as manage and communicate their social and environmental impact to consumers.

Seedtrace’s platform includes a supply chain software solution that provides transparency to every stage of a food product’s journey. It also includes tools that allow businesses to then incorporate this transparency information into an online store, or other marketing materials. The cloud-based infrastructure allows high scalability, privacy, and security, allowing users to access their supply chain data ‘whenever and wherever’.

The platform helps small businesses bring transparency into complex supply chains, helping organisations validate their claims by tracing products ‘from seed to shelf’. By helping businesses better manage, prove, and communicate value chain information, Seedtrace enables businesses and consumers to better understand the positive impact of sustainable products. Product transparency is turned into a unique selling point.

On its website, the company describes its product as helping organisations with “customer communication at every stage of the sales process and at all [their] customer touchpoints”. This allows brands to build strong relationships with their customers quickly.

Provable transparency is becoming a vital component in supply chain management, and Springwise has spotted a number of projects focusing on this area. These include everything from a marketplace connects verified buyers and sellers of scrap metal to reduce carbon emissions to digital tags for shellfish that ensure seafood traceability.

Written By: Lisa Magloff


A software platform for supply chain decarbonisation
CategoriesSustainable News

A software platform for supply chain decarbonisation

A software platform for supply chain decarbonisation

Spotted: Supply chains are saturated with carbon. In fact, supply chain emissions are estimated to be 11.4 times higher than the operational emissions of an average company. Industries must cut these emissions drastically to meet worldwide sustainability targets like the Paris Agreement, but for many companies, this is easier said than done. Enter The Climate Choice, a climate-based intelligence software platform set to decarbonise industrial supply chains. 

By combining an assessment with its software, The Climate Choice can show companies how climate-ready they are before generating a specialised, cost-effective, action-oriented solution. The startup also invites suppliers to be a part of the solution too, offering its intelligence and guidance to meet net-zero needs. 

“There is still a large disconnect between the aspirational climate targets and the reality of actions taken – and yet every company now requires a clear and effective approach for reducing their emissions. Data-informed, streamlined processes are key for monitoring, tracking and engaging suppliers in their decarbonization journey for any large supply chain,” said Yasha Tarani, Co-founder & CEO at The Climate Choice. 

Earlier this month, the company announced $2 million (around €1.8 million) in pre-seed funding and is planning to use this to grow further and expand its Climate Intelligence Platform. 

Springwise has previously spotted other innovations that use computers for decarbonisation, including a software platform that makes carbon counting affordable for businesses and an AI (artificial intelligence) that helps high-polluting industries optimise cutting their emissions.

Written By: Georgia King


A nano-membrane desalinator does not need an energy supply
CategoriesSustainable News

A nano-membrane desalinator does not need an energy supply

A nano-membrane desalinator does not need an energy supply

Spotted: According to the World Health Organization, 829,000 people are estimated to die each year from diarrhoea caused by unsafe drinking water, sanitation, and hand hygiene. At the same time, global warming is making it harder to ensure adequate supplies of fresh water in many places. Desalination is one solution to this problem and startup Nanoseen is working to make this process cheaper and more efficient with its nanotechnology filters.

The filtration technology, called NanoseenX, uses specially created nanomembranes with pores ranging in size 0.1 to 0.8 nanometres, which trap different impurities and salts. Depending on the salinity of the water and level of contamination, between 2 and 20 nanomembranes are used, which are arranged in cascades or as a ‘sandwich’ inside a cylinder-shaped device. Gravity is used to carry out the filtration, removing the need for extra energy or pressure.

In addition to removing salt, Nanoseen claims that the system can purify any polluted water, turning it into drinking water in two to five minutes. In addition, the nanomembranes can be used in existing equipment in water treatment plants. The membranes are completely scalable and, at a cost of around $0.08 to $0.50 for each nanomembrane, they are one of the cheapest solutions available. Nanoseen is now looking for further investors to enable them to bring NanoseenX to market.

Given the seriousness of the issues surrounding freshwater contamination and shortages, it is no wonder that more and more work is going into tackling this problem. Springwise has spotted the use of microalgae to clean industrial waste and a chemical-free industrial water treatment system.

Written By Lisa Magloff


AI optimises supply chains and personalises retail offers
CategoriesSustainable News

AI optimises supply chains and personalises retail offers

AI optimises supply chains and personalises retail offers

Spotted: Recent years have witnessed two key retail trends: the move towards more personalised, curated customer offers, and pressure from stakeholders to tackle waste in the industry. UK-based Dressipi is working to tackle both issues with machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI). The company’s co-founders were inspired by their own first-hand experience struggling to find the products they wanted to buy.

Dressipi has developed a software platform that gives retailers the tools they need to personalise the shopping experience for individual customers. It does this by using a combination of human style expertise and AI to develop high quality product and brand data. Human stylists create a ‘taxonomy’ of fashion attributes that can be applied to each item. AI technologies, such as computer vision and natural language processing, are then used to apply these attributes at scale.

The same predictive models and algorithms that Dressipi uses to develop personalised insights can also be used to forecast buying and merchandising decisions. By better matching supply and demand, retailers can avoid waste in the supply chain, benefitting both their bottom line and the plant.

Dressipi’s technology has three key strengths. First, its algorithms have been developed over years in collaboration with human fashion experts. They are therefore specific to the needs of the fashion industry. Second, Dressipi owns extensive datasets of garment attributes and fashion-specific customer preferences, and the company’s ability to cleanse and parse all this data is the core of its offer. Finally, the company has a proven track record working with some of the industry’s leading names, delivering externally validated results.

Other AI-powered retail innovations spotted by Springwise
include personalised
wine recommendations, predictive
analysis to speed shipping, and computer
vision used for fashion cataloguing.

Written By: Matthew Hempstead

Website: dressipi.com

Contact: dressipi.com/company/contact/
