Architects’ Guide: How To Integrate Extended Reality (XR) Software Into a Design Workflow

Architects’ Guide: How To Integrate Extended Reality (XR) Software Into a Design Workflow

Architizer’s Tech Directory is a database of tech tools for architects — from the latest generative design and AI to rendering and visualization, 3D modeling, project management and many more. Explore the complete library of categories here.

When the 2020 decade began, three pivotal events significantly redefined and remolded the relationship between humans and technology. The Covid-19 pandemic, which normalized concepts such as cross-world, virtual-based collaborations, the resurfacing of the digital platform “Metaverse” following Facebook’s rebranding to Meta in late 2021, and, finally, the rapid growth and popularity of AI technology.

These events carved out the need for reconstructing the digital world in a way that becomes more immersive, more malleable and more interactive with physical reality. This turned the spotlight on technologies such as virtual, augmented, and mixed reality, introducing tools that bridge the gap between the digital and the physical world and consequently breaking ground in the architectural field.

What Exactly is Extended Reality (XR)?

Extended Reality (XR) is a term used to describe immersive technologies. Under the XR umbrella are:

Virtual Reality (VR), which refers to a computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional environment that can be explored by an individual, typically through the use of specialized electronic devices such as VR headsets. Users are immersed in a digital world that can simulate real or imaginary environments, allowing them to perceive and interact with the surroundings as if they were physically present. VR technology often employs a combination of advanced graphics, audio, and tracking sensors to create a sense of presence and immersion.

Augmented Reality (AR) on the other hand, is a technology that overlays digital information and computer-generated elements onto the real-world environment. Unlike virtual reality, augmented reality integrates digital content seamlessly with the physical world. AR is often experienced through devices such as smartphones, tablets, smart glasses or heads-up displays, allowing users to see both real-world objects and computer-generated elements simultaneously.

Finally, Mixed Reality (MR) is a technology that combines elements of both virtual and augmented reality to create a hybrid environment where physical and digital elements coexist and interact in real-time. In mixed reality experiences, digital objects are not only overlaid onto the real world but are also anchored and responsive to the physical environment. This technology enables users to interact with both real and virtual elements simultaneously, fostering a more seamless integration of the physical and digital realms.

How Can XR Technologies Be Used in Architecture and Design?

“VIRTUAL | REALITY” by Giangtien Nguyen, Afreen Ali, Aziz Alshayeb and Erik H Kusakariba, INVI LLC

From designing immersive virtual environments and prototypes to crafting a 1:1 scale client presentation and even setting up real-time construction simulations, XR technology brings architectural ideas into “reality” in a matter of hours. VR allows architects to visualize and experience their designs at a human scale. This aids in evaluating spatial relationships, testing design concepts, and identifying potential issues before the construction phase. At the same time, clients can experience the same designs through virtual walkthroughs, minimizing any confusion due to the limited understanding of traditional — and often complicated — architectural drawings.

For site planning and analysis, AR can be employed on-site to overlay digital information onto the physical environment. This helps architects and construction teams visualize how a proposed structure will fit into the existing landscape, assess potential challenges, and make informed decisions about site planning. Taking it a step further, site data analytics can be used to assess the environmental impact and energy efficiency of a design. By visualizing and analyzing how sunlight, shadows, and airflow interact with the building, architects are able to strategically produce sustainable and eco-friendly design solutions.

Finally, MR technology opens up a whole new world of techniques in both design and construction. For example, the ability to superimpose guided holograms as marking lines for building complicated geometries or seeing technical installations through walls, unlocks unprecedented possibilities for operating construction sites more efficiently. Furthermore, MR technology offers architects alternative ways of hands-on training in complex — and oftentimes chaotic — construction projects, while minimizing the risks of irreparable errors.

Architizer’s new Tech Directory aggregates tech tools for architects, allowing you to search, compare and review XR-related softwares before selecting which to you in your next project:

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Which XR Softwares Do Architects Use?

In order to craft an Extended Reality experience, architects have to combine specific software with hardware technology. Architectural programs such as Enscape, Twinmotion, SketchUp Viewer and Gravity Sketch have features such as real-time rendering capabilities or augmented reality viewing that allow them to visualize the digital form of their designs. Some of them also act as Virtual Reality Plugins, which can be directly used through a VR headset. In parallel, this technology becomes “physically” accessible through smartphones and tablets as well as VR headsets, AR smart glasses, motion controllers and even gesture recognition devices. Oculus Rift, Microsoft HoloLens, Apple Vision Pro and Leap Motion are only a few examples of such hardware XR devices.

Whether architects use VR headsets to fully immerse in virtual environments, AR smart glasses to blend reality with digital content or motion controllers to physically manipulate both the virtual and material world, XR technology is gradually becoming an integral part of architecture. In its attempt to deal with space in truly imaginative ways, architecture has taken many forms over the years: ink on paper, bricks and mortar and more recently pixels and 3d meshes; Still, XR technology introduces a new, hybrid form of architectural design by merging both physical and digital tools and unlocking new realms of spatial explorations.

Architizer’s Tech Directory is a database of tech tools for architects — from the latest generative design and AI to rendering and visualization, 3D modeling, project management and many more. Explore the complete library of categories here.

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AI streamlines clinical workflow by analysing images and text
CategoriesSustainable News

AI streamlines clinical workflow by analysing images and text

Spotted: In 2021, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare reached a global market size of $11 billion (around €10.4 billion). Researchers expect that figure to continue growing and surpass $188 billion by 2030 (around €178 billion). As of 2021, around a fifth of healthcare organisations around the world were in the process of introducing the technology to some part of their workflows. 

In Brazil, healthcare technology company NeuralMed provides an AI-powered diagnostic tool for prioritising patients in care pathways. NeuralMed’s algorithm reads a variety of documents, including plain text, PDFs, X-rays, EKGs, and CT scans. After analysing the information, the system lists patients in order of urgency. The process reduces the amount of time it takes a patient to see a doctor after undergoing testing. Patients with an abnormality identified in screening results are automatically moved to the top of the list of clinical priorities. 

The NeuralMed team emphasises that the role of doctors is paramount in healthcare and that the AI is a powerful tool of assistance, not a replacement for human expertise. NeuralMed provides its AI through two programmes that easily and quickly integrate with an organisation’s existing technology infrastructure. 

TrIA helps accident and emergency teams sort patients by the seriousness of symptoms after initial scans and further improves a doctor’s effectiveness by ensuring that the most at-risk patients on their list for the day are seen first during each shift. HarpIA has two options, BI for the creation of a historical database of patient data and Assist for day-to-day record keeping.  

AI in healthcare is an exciting area of innovation, with projects in Springwise’s database highlighting the ways the technology is helping diagnose kidney disease from photos of the eye and confirming breast cancer diagnoses by speeding up the medical review process.

Written By: Keely Khoury


Architects: Here’s How to Supercharge Your Hybrid Workflow

Architects: Here’s How to Supercharge Your Hybrid Workflow

Architizer Journal is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Learn more.

As remote work continues to dominate the workplace landscape, tools and devices designed to improve the virtual experience are becoming increasingly important and popular amongst designers. Indeed, most firms in the United States are offering hybrid work models to their employees, a potentially revolutionary change that certainly transforms the design profession, where office culture and collaborative processes are integral to the success of many projects.

While working from home offers numerous benefits and perspectives, the office atmosphere is hard to replicate and often missed. Thankfully Owl Labs has developed a new and improved technology to facilitate collaborative work from a distance. The recently-launched Meeting Owl 3 multitasks as a 360° camera, microphone and speaker device that elevates the video conference experience, fosters connectivity and improves overall productivity.

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Meeting Owl 3 integrates with the most used conferencing platforms today, such as Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams and GoToMeeting among others. Its compatibility is ideal for designers whose work is conducted over multiple conferencing platforms. Owl Labs has integrated their Owl Intelligence System into the device, which consists of AI-driven software that regularly upgrades to make collaboration as immersive, inclusive and reliable as possible.

The output resolution is 1080p HD, with a field view of 360°, ensuring clear and crisp video quality that helps team members feel connected while working apart; this level of detail can be vital when showing physical objects, including models and sketches, rather than doing a screenshare. Moreover, the device’s microphone comes with 8 omnidirectional beam-forming Smart Mics and an audio radius of 18 inches. The speaker quality and output quality help to ensure that both designers and project teammates can hear one another as clearly as possible.

The Meeting Owl 3 is designed to automatically focus on the voice actively speaking, which creates the best possible meeting experience without having to intervene and consistently check-in with those listening. Owl Lab’s easy-to-use connection system makes it ideal for those running multiple meetings back-to-back or those signing into last-minute calls. It can be simply plugged into the host computer via USB-C or can be connected to the Expansion Mic via micro-HDMI. Once connected, users can immediately start their video conference call.

Beyond home work, The Owl Lab is useful to architects working in the office who would like to collaborate with teammates or meet with far away clients virtually. Indeed, it is especially helpful for design firms that conduct international business with overseas clients. This device’s ability to mimic the office environment and in-person feel will aid in building client confidence and maintaining a good rapport between team members.

This ind of tool is also useful for larger conferences or for those working in big spaces. In such cases, Two Meeting Owl 3s can even be paired together to expand the video and audio coverage within a space. Meanwhile, the device is small and compact and blends seamlessly into any environment without creating an eye sore or distraction.

Since its release, the Meeting Owl 3 has been widely revered for its effortless set-up and ability to foster connectivity. One Amazon user explained how the “system was so simple to install, plug it in, initiate the system and you are off and running on your zoom meeting” and how it “made the meetings fun, functional and will allow our in person and remote teams greater ease and access to each other, a win for us in productivity and connectivity.”

Meeting Owl 3 is one of those devices that enables designers to maintain the best of both worlds: to continue working remotely without having to compromise on collaboration and communication. Equally, it allows studios to seamlessly present projects and make virtual connections with far-off clients around the world.

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For more laptops and workstation recommendations for architects, checkout 15 Top Laptops for Architects and Designers, and watch out for more in our Tech for Architects series, coming soon.
